Sohbet from Friday, after Juma prayer and Hadra, 05.12.08
Don’t leave your Lord’s Blessings for dunya!
O people, we are saying:
Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytan rajim
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Allah Almighty sharafana, (is) giving honour, endless honour, for us and (is) granting from His endless Mercy Oceans, that He granted us to say: “La ilaha ill-Allah, Sayyiduna Muhammadun Rasulullah – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam” and He is just granting us to be able to say: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.”
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That is the key of whole Mercy Oceans: to say: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim”. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (is) opening all Mercy Oceans and (then there is) running on us Divinely Blessings.
We are asking forgiveness through these holy days, through this holy month Dhu l-Hijja, asking from our Lord to grant us to be visitors of His House of Lord, (the) House of (the) Lord, Baitullah. To be for a visiting even once through our life that is the key of Paradises. Who may visit that holy House, (the) House of (the) Lord, finally he must reach Allah Almighty’s Blessings through eternal life.
O people, dunya is nothing! Try to be honoured here and Hereafter; don’t leave your Lord’s Blessings for dunya! Dunya (is) nothing! Dunya it is not our final target, no!
O people, I am sorry to say that now whole nations, whole mankind, (is) running after dunya, asking to reach some more from dunya. That is very sorrowful for mankind and we are looking and seeing that mankind they are doing their worst; instead to do their best (they are) trying to do their worst for everyone. That is not a real position or real target for mankind.
Allah Almighty He created mankind to be for Him obedient servants, not to leave Allah Almighty’s divinely servanthood and (to) run after Shaytan. It is so simple for whole Divinely Messages. Whole Messengers (were) coming only to teach mankind what is their missions through this life, what they must do, how they must live.
Two things. One: Allah Almighty (is) asking from you, O mankind, to keep our promises that we should be His servants (that) we shall try to keep His servanthood. Before everything you must think (on this) first target, (on this) first final asking, your final, what you are asking from Allah: to be His servants, to keep His servanthood. Before everything you must try to complete His servanthood first. And then, (there is the) second order for your mission that through whole messages, through (all) messengers (is) reaching to mankind. One (is) to be obedient servant for their Lord, and second to be, to do their best for everything. First for mankind: you must try to do your best for everyone, particularly for man.
Then, that Allah Almighty created countless creatures and we have been ordered also to keep every creature, not to give or to make them unrest or to make a bad action. Allah created (them) and He knows for what He created (them), nothing (is) created without a wisdom. Everything (is) just created with some reason and everything (is) just created to do its best for mankind, so that mankind just had been ordered to do their best for every creature.
O people, it is so easy what heavenly Messages (are) giving to whole mankind.
Names it is not important! To say: “I am Muslim” or “Christian” or “Catholic” or “Protestant” or “Orthodox” or “Jewish” - that title it is not important! All of us (are) from Adam and Eve and everyone must keep their honour as a man, caliphs of the Lord of Heavens, deputy. The highest honour (is) just granted to you and you must try to keep that honour with you, till (you are) reaching to (the) Divinely Presence or your Lord, the Creator, (the) Lord of Heavens.
(It is) so simple, but people (are) making so many things and they are not understanding, what they are doing and mostly they are trying to follow Shaytan and Shaytanic ways. Or (else it was) so easy our creation, for what we have been created: to be servants and to do good ones (actions) for every creature through creation.
O people, that is the ta’alim, Heavenly Teaching through Prophets to everyone living that they are running on (the) wrong way. Who is going (the) wrong way, must be punished.
O people, try to keep your honour here and Hereafter, you should be honoured. Try to do, to make most important, most glorified works, (so) that you should be through (the) divinely Presence, to be a glorified servant. Don’t forget your servanthood! If you are not forgetting your servanthood, you must try to know the Lord Almighty’s Lordship. He is the Lord and you are servant. Don’t try to pass in front of this limit! That is your limit, to stay on the level of servanthod. Don’t try to claim that: “I am going (to be) something”, no! Only Lordship (is) for Allah and servanthood (is) for you.
Don’t claim (anything) with such a ‘uydurma’, imitated titles. Don’t think that imitated titles (are) making you to get up to the level of Lordship! Hasha, Astaghfirullah! Lordship (is) for only One! No one, (not) even Prophets, (are) saying: “Just I reached the level of Lordship.” No, you can’t say this, you are only (a) servant. Lordship is only for one: “Qul Huwa-Llahu Ahad.” No second one. That is making people to lose their ways, to lose their targets, to lose their honours.
Try to understand! That is not my speech, but from Heavenly Support, making a weak servant to address whole nations, whom they lost their ways. They lost that they are only servants. (A) servant may be in (the) presence of a king or sultan or emperor, (he) may be closer to (the) sultan, but he is never going to be sultan (himself). Understand?
This is a ‘tabligh’, declaration, (a) Divinely Declaration for saving people from coming terrible terrible events. Who is asking to be save through dangerous and very terrible events, who is asking to be sheltered here and Hereafter, they (he) must try to leave imitated titles and he must try to know that he is only a simple servant and servanthood (is) never bringing a person to Lordship. (It is) only for Allah Lordship.
O our Lord, send us (someone) who may teach us who we are and for what we have been (brought) in existence and how we should be sheltered here and Hereafter!
For the honour of (the) most honoured servant in Your Divinely Presence Sayyidina Muhammad – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin al-Nabiyyi-l Ummiyyi wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim...
(Don’t try to get up ?) to Lordship. Just keep down! Who is not keeping his station, should be kicked down like Shaytan! Try to be like the Seal of Prophet Sayyiduna Muhammad – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. That Shaytan wants (?) you to be like him, himself, and just he fell down. No honour for him here and Hereafter.
May Allah forgive us and shelter us here and Hereafter. For the honour of (the) most honoured one in His Divinely Presence Sayyidina Muhammad.
Allahumma-sqina gaitha suqya Rahmatin wa la taja’lna mina-l qanitin... fansurna ‘ala anfusina... ya Arhama r-Rahimin, ya Waliyu, ya Hamid, Fa’alun li-ma yurid, fansurna ‘ala-l qaumi-l kafirin...
Anta-l Karim, ya Rahim, Anta r-Rahim, ya Mughith, Anta l-Mughith, ya Ghiyatha-l Mustaghithin. ..
Ya Shafi‘ al Ummah, ya Shafi‘ al Ummah, ya Shafi‘ al Ummah...
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