Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Give your high respect to Sayyidana Muhammad SAW

In The name of Allah, The All-Compassionate, All-Merciful, Audhu billahiminash shaytanirrajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, alhamdulillahi Rabbil alemiyn
Sohbet by Maulana Sheikh Nazim
Lefke, Northern Cyprus
December 26, 2008, Friday
http://www.beforear mageddon. com/2008/ 12/30/ba- 206-the-maindoor -for-whole- nations/

As salamu alaikum! May Allah forgive us. This is as our Sheikh Hisham Efendi giving a khutba.. Oh oh oh.. dhul qima (?), warrior one. If anyone asking to know his way, must follow the way of Heavens. If they are leaving the way of Heavens, going to wahhabiya, that means darul jahim.., that means, hells. When they are running away to Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, asking his shafaat, intercession, who is giving his high respect to the Seal of Prophets, should reach intercession of the most beloved one, most glorified one in Divinely presence: follow him, give as much as possible your high respect and glory to that one that whole creation created as Allah Almighty saying: 'I created everything for your honor, O My beloved servant!' Beyond that belief, no way to reach Allah Almighty's Honor! Allah Almighty is never accepting anyone leaving respect for His most respected servant. Never accepting anything ?.. Therefore, O people, now shaitan is trying to destroy our beliefs. That just 15 centuries we are on it but some no mind people are asking to make another way, leaving Prophet and asking to reach to Allah. If a person is leaving bridge, he can't step from one side to another side. And Rasulullah he is the main door for whole nations, for all creations, to reach Allah Almighty's Glory and His Blessings! O people, keep your stands/steps ? on the way of Ahlul Sunnah wa Jamaat. Now shasimatu qalila, small group, they are trying to change our beliefs and to make us followers of an unknown person, no value for him. May Allah forgive us!
Pray for me! I am.. with Allah Almighty's Blessing, reached to that old age and asking forgiveness from my Lord. I don't know how long I am going to be with you. Everyone must pass from here to Allah Almighty's Presence. Allah makes our faces shining, shining with Heavenly Nur, to be glorified in Divinely Presence and acceptable.
O people, no work or occupation may be more valuable than Allah Almighty's worshipping. Leave everything and run Allah Almighty's Worshipping! That is highest honor for you. If anyone is leaving that and running after dunya/world, no value for him.
O people, try to make Allah Almighty's obedience first, then anyone may be easy for you. May Allah protect you and shelter you.. For the honor of the most honored one, beloved one, respected one, glorified one in His Divine Presence Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him, Fatiha.

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