Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Sohbet by Sheikh Adnan from Thursday evening, 27.11.08

As-salamu alaikum, dear brothers and sisters,
here some news about Maulana and the situation in Lefke at the moment:

Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah, Maulana is fine, but still on medication. He lost alot of water from his body!
He doesn't give talks at the moment, he doesn't conduct the Dhikr, but he does come for Cuma prayer and then he orders to make Hadra and joins in at the end of it.
Sometimes n the afternoon he is taken around and goes to the gardens and/or mountains.

People cannot really see nor talk to him. There is no consultation possible at the moment as we know it from before, only with very few exceptions. Also not everyone gets to go up in his house and say Salaams, when they are leaving and even fewer get to talk to him and ask anything.
The days are getting shorter, the evenings are cold and there is no central heating. There is problems with the water, which is basically cut off during the day and only runs at night.

Because of the situation, anyone who is intending to come, should be aware of this situation and really ask permission first, not to be disappointed!

Here now finally some words of Sheikh Adnan Efendi who has been in Cyprus since 10 days and who is leaving on Monday!
Salaams from Cyprus,

Sohbet by Sheikh Adnan from Thursday evening, 27.11.08
Good news for the Murids of Maulana Sheikh Nazim
As-salamu alaikum! Maulana is giving Salaams to everyone of you! And he is saying that everyone of you has a high Maqam, of our humbleness (you are) coming and to sit in the Zawiya, waiting to see him, even if for a few seconds or minutes. This is enough for you here and Hereafter to be in very high Maqam and to be dressed by Lights of Wilaya from Allah Almighty and Rasulullah sws. And Maulana giving Salaams to everyone of you, saying: As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.(Everyone is saying: wa alaikum salaam, Maulana Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani) ala-llahu taala darajatihi daiman wa amdana bi madadihi! Allah Almighty insha Allah give Maulana Sheikh Nazim health, prosperous life and give him long, long life, insha Allah, till the end of the time of S.Mehdi a.s. and S.Isa a.s.! And insha Allah Almighty will grant him by Malakuti a godly life from Allah Almighty and Rasulullah sws, so that he will be the Imam of all Children of Adam a.s., in this time, in time of S.Mehdi a.s., the time of S.Isa a.s.
Bi hurmati-l Habib, bi hurmati-l Fatiha!
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Now we are in a very holy Maqam. This is the Maqam, this is the Zawiya, the Dergah of Sultanu-l Awliya, of Sahibu Zaman and Allah Almighty making it and Rasulullah sws to be the cave where everyone who wants to shelter himself, to be protected. No other place there is protection except in this place, which is the cave of Awliya, cave of Sultanu-l Awliya, where he is the one carrying the protection and mercy from Allah Almighty and blessing to dress it to everyone coming to visit him, for to stay for a few hours or days or weeks in his Zawiya. Anyone who wants to be blessed and protected, he may come here, even... meeting or not meeting - but spiritually he is meeting, because Maulana, every prayer time, his spirituality is here and he is with everyone - here and all over the world. They are Awliya, whom Allah Almighty dressed them by a spiritual power that they can be changed to hundred thousands of spiritual bodies, or physical body, to be everywhere all over the world.
As Maulana was saying: One day S.Shah-u Naqshband, the Imam of the Naqshbandi Way, who Maulana Sheikh Nazim is the successor of S.Shah-u Naqshband, of all 40 Grandsheikhs he is the successor, and so S.Shah-u Naqshband, one day they told him: Ya Sayyidi, now it is month of Ramadan, we are fasting. His Murids they told him: I like to invite you to come, to have a break fast and dinner with me and my family. He said: I will come. Another one he told him: Ya Sayyidi, also I like you to come and visit me and to have a break fast and dinner (with me). He said: I will come. More than 5o, 6o of his Murids they invited him in the same day. The Murids they were astonished, that he was saying to everyone: I am coming... I am coming... I am coming... How? He is only one, how he is going to come?
And at Maghreb time all of them they were astonished: everyone (of those) who he accepted his invitation, S.Shah-u Naqshband was knocking his door and entering. More than 5o Shah-u Naqshbands entering to more than 5o houses to have break fast and dinner with his Murids!
Like this these Awliya Naqshibandi of the Golden Chain, they are not ordinary Awliya like the other 40 Ways, no! They inherited the secret of prophecy of Rasulullah sws through the channels of S.Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and they inherited also the holy Breath of Allah Almighty.
Because Allah Almighty, (as) Maulana says, when He informed the Malaika: I am going to make... He didnt say : I am going to create, He said: I am going to make in the earth a Khalif for Me, because already Allah Almighty created Adam from pre-eternal to eternal, when he was in the divinely godly World of Lights of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty created him and crowned him to be Khalif of Allah Almighty.
And so the first who was appearing at the godly divinely World of Lights of Allah Almighty, was taking the shape of Muhammadun Rasulullah sws. Allah Almighty from pre-eternal, when there was no time - because time, Allah created time - before time to be created, when Allah Almighty was saying; I am a hidden Treasure and My Will is to be known. So I order from My divinely godly World of Command the godly Word (World?) of Light to appear! And it appeared in the shape, Allah give it the shape, the figure of Muhammadun Rasulullah sws. And He told him: I am naming you Muhammad. I am naming you My most Mercies Ocean, where in you I am dressing all My secrets and all My divine Attributes and Names.
And from one beam of Light from this reality of Muhammadun Rasulullah sws, Allah Almighty created Adam and He told the Malaika: I am going to make Adam to be a Khalif for Me in the earth and Allah Almighty ordering: Just I am blowing from My Soul godly Soul of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty is a Creator, He is not something created. Allah Almighty is a Creator and the Soul of Allah Almighty is not a created thing also, it is the Soul which is for Creator uncreated. And He said: I am going to blow from My Breath into S.Adam a.s. and My Soul, when I blow from My Soul into him, all of you make Sujud, bow, make Sujud to Adam! Because now he is dressing to be the Khalif of Allah Almighty, the representative of Allah Almighty, to be the one whom dressing by the divinely godly Worlds of Names of Allah Almighty.
And for this all Malaika made Sujud, except Shaitan. Shaitan he refused, because he was not realizing that Adam is representing the divinely godly World of Names of Allah Almighty and he is representing the divinely godly Worlds of Attributes and Names, which Allah Almighty dressed it to His Beloved Muhammadan Rasulullah sws (...?). Because he was an ignorant one, he was a blind one, because he was a one who his heart was empty, only pride, only jealousy, only he was hating everyone around him and for this he hated Adam and he promised Allah Almighty that: I am going to make traps till Yaumu-l Qiyama, till the Day of Judgement, so that I will catch everyone of Children of Adam, so no one will enter to Paradise! I am going to make all of them to enter to Hell!
As if Paradise is in the hands of Shaitan, or the Hells in the hands of Shaitan! Paradise is in the Hands of Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty is going to make Shaitan to see Yaumu-l Qiyama, that everyone, Children of Adam a.s., whom Allah honoured them and granted them to be Khalif of Him, all of them; they are Lights of Allah Almighty and this Light will enter only to Jannah, to Paradise, never going to Hell!
Only our bad deeds, our egos, our badness, it will go to Hell, to Jahannam, because Jahannam, the Hell, Allah Almighty is making it to be like toilets for the Paradises. In toilets we put our waste, and the house will be clean and the Jannah also, Paradise, must be clean, so the toilet of Jannah is Jahannam.
And for this Allah Almighty dressing everyone of you by, and Rasulullah sws dressing everyone of you by a special Lights from Allah Almighty, by a special Light of Rasulullah sws, making you to come and to be followers and Murids of Sultanu-l Awliya, whom Allah dressed him by all these powers.
It s not something from you, not as you like, you are coming here, no, but as Allah Almighty likes, and by the Will of Allah Almighty. The Lights of Allah Almighty in everyone of you making you to come to meet the Lights of Sultanu-l Awliya. Because everyone of you, specially all Murids of Maulana Sheikh Nazim here, all brothers and sisters in Naqshbandi Way, whom they make Beyat with Maulana Sheikh Nazim from East to West, from North to South, they used to be, was and still and forever swimming in the Ocean of Wahdaniya, of Unity of Allah Almighty. And for this Allah Almighty making them in this Dunya, in this life, to appear this Light and to swim in this Ocean of Sultan of Awliya, so that he will grant (?) them and complete them physically to be, in their next state, to be swimming in the divinely Ocean of Wahdaniya, of Uniqueness of Allah Almighty.
And for this all of you dressed by good tidings, by blessings, by all kinds of mercies and good tidings from Allah Almighty and Rasulullah sws, because all of you you are here not for the sake of Dunya, not for business, not for anything else, except Love of Allah Almighty, Love of Rasulullah sws, Love of Maulana Sheikh Nazim and Awliyaullah. And for this Allah Almighty dressing you by Love from Him and Rasulullah sws dressing you by Love from him.
And Allah Almighty saying in the Holy Hadith: Wa ma thala abdi yataqarrabu ilaya bi nafila hatta uhibbu(?). And My servant stays approaching to Me by all recommended, all Sunnah of Rasulullah; by all means of Love he approaching to Me, showing me that: I love You, Allah Almighty, and for this I am approaching to You by Sunnah of Rasulullah, by Love of Rasulullah, by Love of Sultanu-l Awliya, by love of Ahlu-l Bait, by love of Awliya, showing my love to Allah Almighty!
And Allah Almighty saying: This coming from you, showing that you love Me I will love you! I am going to love you, but if I am going to love you, I will be your eyes, I will be your ears, I will be your tongue, I will be your hands, I will be your heart! I will dress you by godly body from Me. You will be godly one, if you say to something: Be, it will be!
And Maulana saying this for everyone who make Beyat with Maulana has this Maqam, but since now the earth and this life cannot carry such a ones, everyone has this Maqam, but it is hidden, until Imam Mehdi will appear. Then you will see everyone of you like sun shining, even the sun will be like a candle in front of your Lights, whom they took Beyat with Maulana Sheikh Nazim and to this Golden Chain from Rasulullah sws and Maulana Sheikh Nazim.
And for this these Awliya they are carrying the holy Secrets of Prophecy of Rasulullah and the Holy Breath of Allah Almighty, which He blew it in Adam a.s. They catch it and it remains with them, and by it they are completing and perfecting the hearts of everyone of us, so that everyone will be a godly one, dressed by Lights of Allah Almighty. Because everyone of us, Allah Almighty saying: Neither earths or Heavens or here or there or all holy places is My House. I chose my House to be the heart of Children of Adam a.s. I am settling my Throne, I am settling Myself in the heart of everyone of you! Search for Me in your heart, you will find Me!
And this Naqshbandi Way, the Golden Chain and Sultan of Awliya of this period of time, whom he is all Awliya under his command, he is completing and perfecting everyone, so that he can immigrate and enter into, to go to the Maqam of his heart, to reach to the House of Allah Almighty, where then everyone of us can find his Lord, his God Allah Almighty, and can be dressed by Lights from Allah Almighty, so that no more humanity, but only Lights of Allah Almighty will be existing on you!
And for this you will see passed Awliya in the past time, at that time there was permission from Rasulullah sws for them to speak anything they want or to do miracles. Now no permission until Imam Mahdi will appear. At that time one of Awliya said: Nothing in my Jubbah except Allah Almighty and so the Ulema, the ignorant people, they were not understanding, what he was saying, they sentenced him to death: How you are saying that Nothing inside your Jubbah, your Abba, except Allah Almighty? Because no more he is existing by his humanity, but he is existing by the Lights of Allah Almighty only; there is only Lights of Allah Almighty!
And Allah Almighty saying to Rasulullah... In the Hadith Rasulullah saying, when S.Gibril a.s. was asking him about Islam - everyone of you knows this Hadith - and then about Iman and then he was asking him about Ihsan, which is the highest stage of Iman, and Rasulullah was answering S.Gibril: An tabu Allah ka anna ka tara! To worship Allah Almighty, as if you are seeing Allah Almighty, because (even) if you are not seeing Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty is seeing you! An tabudu Allah ka anna ka tara, wa in lam takun yara, fa innahu yara (?). To worship Allah Almighty, as if you are seeing Him, because if you are not, which means here not if you are not seeing Him, He is seeing you. But here the meaning, the secret of the Hadith of Rasulullah To worship Allah Almighty as if you are seeing Him(is): Because if you are not; which means, when you will have no more existence, no more humanity for you, no more a physical state for you, you are not any more existing, you see Him, because He is seeing you!
Because Allah is not a one who is using curtains and veils, so that his creation not to see Him! You see Malaika (they are) seeing Allah Almighty. S.Adam, our father, he saw Allah Almighty. Rasulullah sws, he is seeing Allah Almighty. S.Ali, Khalif of Rasululla, alayhi salam, he said: I never make Sujud to an unseen God Allah Almighty. Whenever I am making Sujud, I am making Sujud in between the Hands (of Allah Almighty), seeing Allah Almighty, because He is seeing me. I am not any more existing, but by the Lights of Allah Almighty, I am existing by the Light of Allah Almighty and by His Lights I can see Allah Almighty!
And for this once upon a time, Maulana said, S.Ali radiallahu anhu wa karramallahu wajhah he had a pain, he had a toothache, too much pain in his tooth and he was screaming. Then Rasulullah sws he told the Sahaba: Leave him! Just when he is reaching to Tahiyat, when he is saying: Attahiyatu li-llah, saluting, greeting Allah Almighty, take it from him, take it out, his tooth! And so when S.Ali was reaching Attahiyatu li-llah... the Sahaba, they took the tooth of S.Ali and he was not feeling, until he as saying: As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah... As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah! He was seeing no more pain. Then some drops of blood. He said: Ya Rasulullah, Alhamdulillah, no pain! He told him: We took off your tooth! Because he was not in his physical body, he was not in his physical state, but he was a one giving Attahiyat in the divinely Presence of Allah Almighty. Not feeling with his body, no more there is a body of S.Ali, there was the Lights of Allah Almighty, from which he was created and by what he was existing in the divinely Presence of Allah Almighty.
And like this everyone of you, and all whom they taking Beyat with Maulana, they are invited to that Maqam, to reach that Maqam, by their, at last, when they are giving all, showing, giving all their sincerity, to be sincere to Allah Almighty, sincere to Rasulullah, sincere to Maulana, Sultan of Awliya and to Awliyaullah. Sincerity dress you by these Maqams. Other than sincerity never will make you to reach to these Maqams or to have any kind of miracles or to be a one who is no more existing by your humanity, only you are existing by the Lights of Allah Almighty. Then you will be a godly one; if you say to something: Be, it will be. Whenever you ask Allah Almighty whatever you will ask, He will give you.
And for this you are most welcome. May Allah Almighty protect all of you and bless all of you and dress you by all high Maqam insha Allah for the sake of Maulana Sheikh Nazim and Rasulullah sws. And Allah give long life to Maulana Sheikh Nazim and health and prosperity and to all of you!
Bi hurmati-l Habib, hi hurmati-l Fatiha.

Later, answering a private question, Sheikh Adnan said:
Protection from the Arrows of divine Anger for our bad deeds comes through Rabita (3 Ikhlas and Fatiha) and Dhikr.
A special Dhikr for protection in this time:
3 x Shahada
3oo x Astaghfirullah with the intention of protection
7 x Ayat al Kursi , blow on yourself and your family
7x Sura Fil , blow on yourself and your family

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