Senin, 23 Februari 2009

You Need a Spiritual "Check-up"

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Astaghfirullah, Destur ya Sultanulawliya, medet As salaamu alaykum.

Oh our Lord, put your weak servants under Your Divine Protection. Therefore you must try to say as much as possible, more as salaam alaykum, as salaam alaykum. As salaam: peace. When you are saying too much, bringing peace to you and everything around yourself and also spreading that mercy and blessings through east and west. But now people, they are not using too much, to say as salaamu alaykum. Say as much as possible. We are saying as salaamu alaykum.

Allah, Allah... and we are asking Divinely Support, and Divinely Support never coming to people directly, is like a, as we are saying it for understanding, blessing coming like Niagara Falls, you can’t reach to that, but if it is going through pipes, may drink, may use it. Therefore Awliyas, whole Awliyas... Awliya means waliullah, that means friend of Allah, or, who is going to be friendly to Allah. Try to be friendly to Allah. But people running to be friends of shaytan, because it is last days' signs, that people should run to be friends of shaytan, and very few people running to be friends to Allah Almighty.

And you can’t be friend of Allah Almighty till you are going to be friend to His Most Beloved Servant Sayyidina Muhammad (s), and you can’t be reaching to that point, be friend of Rasulullah (s) till you re going to be friendly to friends of Rasulullah (s). If you are not reaching friends of Rasulullah (s), you can’t reach to be friends of Allah Almighty. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem . Oh our Lord, please give Your Protection on your weak servants, we are saying we are weak servants, please make Your Divinely Protection on ourselves, not to be friends of shaytan. Friends of shaytan going to be in hells beginning here. They are burning. They are burning. From inside of themselves or outside. Burning. But they’re insisting to be, yet to be, friends of shaytan. Say Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem, oh our Lord, we are running to You, not to be friends to shaytan. say, in such a meaning, say Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem.

People coming and saying, "oh Shaykh, I am ill, but I am going to doctors, they are sending me to analyst, 'go to that one to make check up for yourself, and bring that to me, to look.', and I am going different analysts, "tahlil", analyzing, saying nothing with you, you are okay". But he is insisting, " I am feeling, that I am not healthy". Yes, but yet, they are not thinking that, that is something not belonging to their material being, no. From inside.

Yet they are not coming to say, to accept that we have another being through ourselves, that is our souls. They never going to ask, to make a check up for their souls, but running to make a check up, every organ through themselves. But then, they never going to look, to make a check up for their souls, no. Because people becoming such a materialist, they are thinking only material beings. Material beings never making a thing to move by itself, no.

Car is a car, but you must put in its box a kind of water and that water changing in another position and moving, making car to move. They always looking, what is water of our car?. can’t walk, we are looking everything okay." Ah, look if it has fuel. -"Our car is okay, for what fuel?" Ya, without fuel, your car can’t move. People running to doctors, doctors say, "you are 100%, you are okay. Okay."

"Oh, doctor, if 100% I am okay, why I am coming to you? I am feeling something in myself, making me not to be rest, disturbing me something from inside". You must go to, Haji Yashar, there is a person, that he may understand such a matters, what is their name? Their name psychiatry. And so many psychiatry coming, saying, "Oh Shaykh, I am feeling no good". What you are doing? I am asking, psychiatry. Ahh, psychiatry, and you are coming to me? For, for... to treat you?

And (I) say first, "jump". If jumping, "you are alright, okay, now go away." Finish. -"I am coming for check up". That is my check up. If do jumping, then it is okay, nothing with you. If not enough, another check up, run from up, to that side. -"For what?" There is a cat, running in front of you, run and catch it!

I am psychiatry doctors. All psychiatry, they are also {twisting his hand, in Turkish: what do they call it? Antika (=antique)}. Or, every psychiatry, their minds out of their minds, two (piece?)... I am trying you, if you are okay or not. "I can’t do". You can’t do, you must try to do every day, to run 100 meters, to catch a cat. Catch and bring to me. "How? I am doctor of psychiatry!" You don’t know. Come, what I am saying to you, it is okay. Everything check up, but for psychiatry, they are unhappy to be check up. they are making check up for people, saying "nothing with you". But I am looking, you also falling in a deep well, you can’t be able to take yourself out.

That is my check up to you. and we are in need, who making check up for our unknown beings, souls. The authority for that, just granted to Prophets. then Prophets, from Prophets then granted to make a check up, granted what they had been through Prophets' line people, they may do this. Not any, anyone saying, "I can do", you can’t do. But people, they are running nonsensely, to make a check up to themselves, and it is impossible. really, we are in need a check up for our souls, and who can do that check up for our souls? those whom they authorized, Heavenly Authority. Authorized by Heavenly Authority, they can do only this, not school, reading, reading, reading, reading. They can’t understand anything. And they are so very rare now.

(Those) people, they are running, to make a check up with psychiatries, and their level on same level, and they can’t take any benefit, finish, finish. Mankind just finished. Because they are in ruins, innerly in ruins. they must rebuild their personalities once again. First, they must try to recognize their real identity. Who are you?! First, for rebuilding his, himself. In, through his life, to recognize himself.

Who are you? Someone must teach him, who are you? Because by yourself, you can’t, you can’t know, who are you. You can see everything except yourself. Your eyes looking and seeing everything except himself. What you are in need? You need a mirror. To say that, "I am this one", you must bring two witnesses, that through that mirror, you that one. By himself, he can’t recognize himself also in mirror. He may think, "that is another one, I am not this one, because I am not looking myself, putting myself second to that, and to see that this and this the same. No. Perhaps that mirror it is a strange instrument, showing shadows, showing (things), showing something in it, but if no one in that area, you can’t say that this is... "I am that one".

You need two witnesses, that this is you, you are this! You are looking. It is mirror showing to you, therefore man, who is asking, "who are you?" must be a person like mirror, to be able to show, "you are this one". When you accepting, what he is saying, then that person just permitted to build, to rebuild your existence. To manifest yourself again, as before. Because you are in ruins, destroyed. Your real being destroyed, therefore you are in need a rebuilding. Rebuilding only those people, whom they have granted Heavenly Lights, and authorized through Heavens, not from earth, no. Earth, our level. Level of hayvanat, zoo level. We are on zoo level. Putting some examples in zoo garden, but not putting one man inside, also, that we are on same level. (addressing someone) You went zoo garden? You have been in zoo garden? Zoo.

I went also, but I was escaping, not to put me also with another place, that is also on that level animal. Our level, first level of animals. only we have granted for speaking. Our animals, they are not speaking. Same qualities, that they have, we have same also. Only they are running on 4 legs, we are running on 2 legs. But we must get up for rebuilding our real personality, if we are not recognizing yourself, you can’t be able to understand anything, coming hayvan, going hayvan. Coming as animal, and going as animal.

And this life, that people living now, it is not 2nd level of real mankind. Because first level, they are characteristic on same character, all of them. If they are getting second level, they can’t touch, like this, can’t give, can’t harm anyone. Once show me, my Grandshaykh, in Mecca al-Mukarrama, Baytullah, sharafahullah, 'Look, Nazim Efendi", as I am looking, one, first level people, they’re making tawaaf. But they are pulling and making everything, making harm people, pushing them, pulling them, but the second one, I am looking and seeing a group of people, they are like butterflies (silently making a circular motion with his hand for a while)... no sound, no trouble, no harming. 1st level, level of animals. they are giving to each ‘other harming, fighting, eating, everything they are doing. Now look, and say truth, what is the level of living people, whom they are claiming, that we are reached, we are reached to top of civilization? They
are so big liars! Because that is Shaytan’s teaching to them, to say, "now we are on top, top level of civilization" , For what?

Because you have so many kinds of weapons, and high technologia, you have... therefore you reached top of civilization. And I am saying yet, you are on same level. Technologia never taking you on second level, only spirituality under can take you, and spirituality under heavy pressure. You can’t be able, to leave it, to reach to that point. And people, they are trying to kill, to harm people, to destroy, what is that? That is the level of mankind?

I'm sorry to say that is not level of real human beings level. And I am sorry to say, that even animals level, they are not accepting that level, and kicking them down! Kicking them down. That is the position, general view of our world, in our days, that it is days, Last Days. And we are reaching to Yamul Qiyamah. Oh people! Come and listen! And ask Truth! To ask Truth it is your most important characteristic. You must ask truth, and you must try to learn Truth about your life, then you should be up. Never harming, therefore Prophet (s) saying, "surrender, people". That people, they are running away from Islam, the name of Islam. They are hating and running away. but real Islam, what saying? A real Muslim, who never harming people by his tongue, by his hand, by his power. They are not real Muslims. People, people, Muslim, they are looking and seeing what happening. And people thinking that Islam ordering to kill people, without any, with reason or
without reason.

Destroying every day. And they are saying on it, "the name of Islam." Audhubillah (I seek refuge in Allah!). Allah take them away. Take away. Don’t be with them, don’t say that they are doing good - that is not Islam, they are not Muslims. Only by name, their names may be written Muslim, but they are so far. As far earth from heavens, they are far away from Islam. May Allah forgives us and blessings you, for the Honor of the Most Honored One in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad, (s), Fatiha.

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

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