Sohbet after Juma, Friday, 13.03.09
Islam can collect the hearts of people
Destur, ya Sayyidi, Meded
As-salamu alaikum! Salamullah alaikum wa rahmatahu wa barakatuh
Salamun qaulan mir Rabbi Rahim, Salamun qaulan mir Rabbi Rahim, Salamun qaulun mir Rabbi Rahim. Razaqanallahu wa iyyakum!
Audhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim
Shah-u Naqshiband used to say: Tariqatuna as-suhba wa l-khayru fi l-jami a . Imamu Tariqat, Tariqatuna Naqshbandiyyati-l Aliya, ala-llahu ta ala darajatahu and the other Masters, the Sayyidatina-l Kiram, used to do their Sohbets, following the words of Rasulullah: Ad-dinu nasiha and speaking the words of Shahu Naqshiband, Muhammad Uwaisi-l Bukhari: Tariqatuna as-suhba wa l-khayru fi l-jami a Subhanallahi-l Aliyi-l Adhim.
I may speak sometimes English, sometimes Turkish, sometimes Arabic, sometimes (the) language of (the) Jinn, because they are attending this humble meeting. May Allah grant to you Bani Adam and Bani Jinn His Divinely Blessings.
O people, it is easy to address to our humble people that (are) coming from Far East, from Far West, from North, from South, from Hind, from Sind; from different parts of (the) world (they are) coming here. This is a sign; (a) powerful sign, that Islam may collect (the) hearts of people. So many people may collect (the) physical bodies of people - no value! Who may collect (the) hearts of people - that is important.
And now you are here and we have a saying: Mina-l qalbi ila-l qalbi sabila. From heart to hearts there is some secret ways; reaching without wire, reaching from heart to heart. And if they may ask to reach everyone on earth, they may reach to their hearts. That is a grant from the Seal of Prophets for protecting his holy religion Islam. Therefore Islam (is the) only living religion on earth!
And we are saying: A udhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, we are running to You from (the) worst and most dangerous enemy for the Children of Adam. To You. Shelter us, defend ourselves, we are weak servants! And the Lord (is) saying: I am sending to you someones that they are living among your people, living through nations, living through association and one of them is more than enough, if (there is) going to be on earth not (only) one Iblis, if bi adadi dharrati dunya (?). If (there) may be not (only) one Iblis, (but) billons and billions (of) Iblis(ses) - that one (is) enough for defending (the) believers from big amounts of Iblis, Abla isa! Yah!
O people, welcome to you! We are all His servants and our Lord (is) asking from you, from me, from everyone, to be humble servants. Humble servants. Don t claim that: I am King , or I am Sultan or I am Grand Wazir , or I am (a) big Sheikh or I am President or I am this one or that one; because people they are very happy to make a card, written on it: PHD, ABC, SOS... so many things written. And (they are saying): Take this.
I am making like this... I am not understanding. Making like that... never understanding. But they are so proud that they are using every letter from (the) Alphabet, to make people to know that: I am a special one! If you are (a) special one, why (you are) going to (the) WC? What is your speciality? I may understand, if you are not going (to the WC). (It is) because they are drinking too many... Shaytan s urine. Drinking. When (they are) drinking, every hour they must visit that important place. What is that important place? Ya Hu, you don t know? You are Sheikh! (It is the) WC! How they are going (to be) special beings? But people they lost their minds, they are not...
(The) whole Quran Azimu Shan, (Allah Almighty in the) Holy Quran (is) always saying, addressing to His beloved and most glorious servant Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam... (Maulana is standing up): O My beloved one, I am sending you Heavenly Verses la- allahum yataffakarun , to think on it. To think on it! If (you are) not thinking on it, your level (is) going to be (the) level of common ones, and common ones level (is the) level of animals no value. Whom they are not thinking, their level (is the) level of animals. You must think on it!
You are claiming: I am a special one, because this is my card, please take this.
For what (is) this?
You may... if you (are) asking for me through Germany, they are knowing very well who I am.
Or they may say: You may use this card, because I am (a) well-known one through (the) US.
US means: you are (a) donkey. Ass... you ass... Change that name, Americans! They were thinking that Bubamo (is) coming, going to change.... I am looking same: US. You are donkey? Change it! They can t change, they can t change that...
You must think on it. O people, if you like to learn your positions, your level, you must think on first Kalamu Rasul - salawatullahi wa salamuhu alaiyh - Hadith Nabawi Sharif. You must think on it. If you can t reach to your level, you must come down, a little bit down, down, to find a person on your level, to say to you: O my Lord s servant!
Hah! That was, what I am asking to know.
He was teaching that person, ask My servants! My Lord s servant. That is your level, not this card. No, that is not your level. Your level, (your) real level, (is) that you are (the) servant of your Lord!
Do you think that most honoured level (there) may be (anything) after that servanthood to your Lord? But people, they are all sakran , drunk people! Eating each other, killing each other, and making trouble for everyone; their level (is) coming under that level of animals. And 21st century s level of mankind (is) under the level of animals!
May Allah forgive us!
O people, we may (speak); as long as you are listening, it is easy to address to you from today up to next Juma or up to next year, up to (the) end of the world, because (this is) Kalimatullah ! Kalimatullah, that He granted to His servants to learn, to know, something about their Lord. If whole oceans (were) going to be ink, whole forests (were) going to be pens, (His Speech was) never ending, never ending, never ending! And whole Prophets (were) coming and the Seal of Prophets just arrived to show you your level! Don t ask more than this, you can t reach! After the level of servanthood (there is) only - no level Rububiya , (Lordship, and that is) for Allah only! Others, their level (is) servanthood to that One. That is.
(They are) never teaching people (this) now; (the) Muslim world or others, they are not teaching people, never teaching children. (The) new generation (is) growing up without beliefs. They are not believing (in) anything, therefore animals they are more honoured from those people that they are not learning anything about that their Lord. Ula ika ka l-an am bal hum adall! Allah Almighty (is) saying that: Those people, they are like animals; but not on (the) level of animals - under the level of animals!
I am looking (that) some people (are) saying for tarbiyya , training or teaching youngsters; (they are) saying that (through) 24 hours, what they should do. I am looking (that) they are saying everything, even running, sport, that and this, giving time (for that), but (they are) never saying that: Give a time for thinking who created you! That is! That is (the) most difficult problem, (a)waiting a solution. (A)waiting a solution. If they are not coming to that point, what I am saying...
I am only (a) weakest servant. No one can come and say (something) and object on my speech. I am making him dust! We have power! Islam has power! We are powerful! I am (a) weakest one, but... (An) ant was warning whole ants (at the time of Sulayman). How (it was) warning? Saying: Id-khulu masakinakum. La yahtamannakum Sulayman wa junuduhu wa hum la yash urun. Yes, warning. (An) ant (is a) so small one, but (it was) warning! (And) I am (a) weakest servant, (but) I may warn from East to West. I am nothing, but sometimes something!
No one (is) coming here... I am not sending any invitation to come here, no, but our Lord (is) ordering His most glorious and beloved servant in Divinely Presence, in His Divinely Presence. (He is) ordering (the) Awliya, then (there is) coming (the) khadim , (the) servant, asghar khadim , (the) smallest servant... Smallest one. We are not... It is blame to ask Grandsheikhs, Awliya: Come and clean. No, I may, I am enough. I am cleaning, I am able to clean, that is my job. And I shall show whole nations, whole world ones (?) what is the power of Islam - with (a) weakest servant!
That is not from my ego, I am speaking on behalf of Haqq - Jalla Jalaluhu, on behalf of His most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam (Maulana is standing up).
Here are our brothers from Kasakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tartar brothers, Dagestan brothers, Cherkess brothers ma sha Allah.
This is enough. And (it is) easy to reach to your hearts. If we are not reaching to your hearts, you can t be able to come here! I am not using... I don t know to use that new (remote control), no. It is enough. If they are asking, (my) heart (is) sending. Sending, (and) they are coming. And one day (it is) going to be from East to West, to be under the holy Flag of the Seal of Prophets, (the) most glorious one. Dunya should be clean and dirty ones should be buried!
O people, come to your Lords Divinely Presence! Make your names, make (an) application: O our Lord, we are asking to be Your servant. That is my application. And Tuba, biggest Bushra, good tidings, for those people, whom they are going to be accepted by (the) Divinely Presence, to be servants of Divinely Presence. Jazakumullah anna kulli khair (?).
Ma sha Allah, so many people on their faces (there is) Nur , on their faces (is) uns , familiarity, on their faces (is) muhabba , on their faces (is) ta zim , on their faces (is) takrim , on their faces (is) tazim . Subhanallah, Sultanallah!
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah; Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah;
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah; Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah.
I was thinking that I am going to speak nothing, because I am a weak servant. But for the honour of the most honoured one (something was) coming. You are coming from Far East, from Far West, (and) they are granting an energy to my body, to come here and to address to you. And first of all I am addressing and warning my (own) ego.
And pray for me. Pray for me (that) Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty forgives me and blesses you. For the honour of the most honoured one.
Allahumma salli wa sallim ala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilay, ma marra l-layali wa tula dawam.
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Nabiyi-l ummihi, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim (3x).
Salli ya Rabbi wa sallim ala jami i-l anbiya i wa-l mursalin wa alin kulli ajmain!
Ziyadatan li sharfin Nabi wa alihi wa sahbihi...
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