Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Time is Over!!

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya
Sunday, July 5 , 2009 | Lefke CY
www.sufilive. com

As salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-Shaytan ir-rajeem. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Qh our brothers and sisters, under the flag of humanity. And you are now asking to begin according and as a follower, Allah Almighty's holy servants. They are asking to be under the flag of one of the Lord's holy ones because every holy one should have a flag.
It is very simple word to say flag. That ..banner...sometime s i was passnig through Backingham Palace then a flag...pole. .i know it there is big ... that sometimes there is Queens flag.

Sometimes not in such a way, every holy one that they are giving thier lights for their Lord's more, honoured servanthood should be for everyone a poles.

The day of resurrection and biggest, highest one that they should be for the seal of Prophets most distinguished, most glorified, most honoured one in Divinely Presence from pre eternal up to post eternal.

Now they are standing to give our most high respect and obediency to our creator the Lord of Heavans the Lord of Creation Allah Almighty. Everything must be suitable to holy words and holy hadiths of Prophet pbuh.

And I am standing up now according to our Lord's command to say Allahu Akbar…Allahu Akbar..Allahu Akbar. Because Allah is saying ....greatness endless greatness for our Lord, Allah almighty and for Holy Quran always going on, no stopping. And His commands continuous.

Therefore, when you are doing something make it according to Holy words and Allah Almighty saying...... say Allahu Akbar 3x because there is another words .....(in arabic) stand up.

Therefore when yo are giving takbir you must stand up. Allahu Akbar but we lost it. They lost the real meanings of Holy Quran that Allah Almighty granted to his servants endless honour we have been granted, endless! From pre eternal up to eternal everything sayin Allahu Akbar wa lillahi hamd.

I am making kufr against everything , against the glorifying Allah Almighty that preventing that. I am making under my feet

First I am making my ego under my feet, then I am making worst creature, no adab, worst creature shaytan under my feet also. That is my real goal. Therefore, was a sign that we must begin by takbir, according to high command and taksir, breaking...the heads of shaytans and their followers.

Time is over!!! Oh people! Oh people! come and listen, listen and obey Holy command of our Lord Who created us and granting us endlessly'mat, provisions from pre eternal up to eternal.

I was asking to stand up up to end of my life according his Holy command but we are so weak ones. Weak ones it is , what you are doing, if you are standing up, not doing anythign else...standing up....for the honour of our Lord, for His glory, from pre eternal to Eternal, it is going to be nothing ….Allahu Akbar!

That power using Prophets saw, when they have been granted Heavenly message just granted also that power, they may stand up whole life without sitting.

Therefore the seal of Propehts saw. Muhammad pbuh when he was standing so long, night times, his blessed feet was getting swollen that taleem, that is a teaching from him , from most distringuished servant.

Most beloved servant, most honoured one, most glorifyed one and most and most and most endless grants from Allah Almighty. He was standing so long, night times according Holy commands of his Lord, qulu lillahi qaniteen and Sayyida Aisha, Allah mentioning her to say,” Oh most beloved one that whole creation just created for your honour”.
I’m sorry to say that now in our times so many people that they are claiming they have authorities for understanding and learning from Holy Propeht's life. They are now making so many objects on that most glorified servant of Allah, who he is a holy servant.

But over servanthood he was representative of the Lord of Heavens. They are trying now so many no mind people, so many proud doctors, they are saying he was like ourselves. What is that??
He is like ourselves??

Then you do what he did who was invited the night of Journey. Anta,,,, you? or he? How you are saying he is like ourselevs? No hayah, no adab they are never ashaming. If you are like him, why you are not invited to Divenly Presence on Laylatul Mi'raj, Night of Ascension... .Night Journey.

How you are saying this? He is like ourselves... no hayah, no mind ! Their heads like footballs, it is empty! nothing in it.

Dom… dom… dom… dom…
Dom… dom… dom… dom…
Stand up, Oh heavenly beings for His

Dom… dom… dom…dom…
And hear heavenly music that angels calling in your reality...
You should fall down as a dead body
Hey… hey… hey… heyyyy… hey… heyyyyyyy…

( Mawlana singing )

Therefore nation they are so happy ones because they are saying huu huu huuu. Daily perhaps, without dom dom dom. But they are saying huuu huu…Ahsantum!

Therefore, I like english people because their language daily, they are making hundreds of zikr saying huuuu huuuu also Heeee heee
for the honour of the seal of Prophets saw. Peace be upon him.

The night of ascension... .. pay attention!!. No mind people all coming and sitting in front of me, making also no mind person but so many people....they are not accepting to be in...they are asking to eat eattttt and eat. Means no idea...

Don’t be eat, don’t be look, try to be like angels, angels that they were giving their highest salut the night of ascension. ATTENTION

Take your attention because the Seal of Prophets, the Seal of Creation that just seeing by the Lord of Heavens. Everything with that seal, dom.. dom.. dom…dom…

And his flag just put up on the Royal, on the Royal Throne of Heavens. Only his flag was there and other flags dom… dom… dom…, that granted by the Lord of Heavens to Prophets they were under his holy flag!!! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah…

Try oh Europeans to say Allah Allah, don’t say God...dont say....? But say the Lord of Heavens most glorified one who representing the Lord of creation through every creature.

From the time up to day going on but that time you know the beginning of time. Oh stupid ones ha.. ha.. ha.., You know???? The beginnign, no one knows!

The beginning, when began that Holy singing. Take your attention because the seal of prophets , the seal of creation that just seeing by the Lord of heavens everything.

Shaykh Hisham, just began at the beginning of creation the Lord of Heavens greeting. Looking to him and giving to him

Therefore he is the absolute representative for the Lord Almight Allah. Whole tajalli, manifestation, blessing just coming to whole creation through that one. If not, you cant be any creature, creation going to stop, creation going on because our Lord is creator.

How long, He is Lord of heavens from pre eternal and up to Eternal
And He is Allah Almighty ...from pre eternal up to Eternal and He is Allah Almighty ..from pre eternal up to Eternal

Only what He is granting coming through that channel, main channel for whole creation is channel of Seal of Prophets. Therefore, oh our brothers and sisters our listeners…

I am weakest servant, I dont know anything, but sometimes coming something to my inspiration. I may speak if not coming I cant speak
and that is now we are approaching speedfully to Last Day.

Towards Last Day that it is appointed for our Lord's happening after a while our creation, our globe going to be changed. When Judgement Day coming, this world going to be ...on its happening.

When Lord of heavens making His divinely judgement, sending living people some of them to paradise, that they are knowing only its name paradise is happening you can’t imagine.

Because it is not , can be....described. Nothing for a description the happening of paradise, or no one can bring a description, areal description for hells. It is another happen, when the Lord of Heavens and Earth going to give His last judgement people leaving this globe and running going to another happening and the happening of this planet He is ordering become nothing!

Your happening finished go ....from where you came, this globe finishing and He is Creator. Creating endlessly and endlessly happenings just appearing in existence because He is.....creation never stoping from pre eternal up to Eternal. Never stopping.

And we are living on t his planet , it is only one spot. Through the oceans of Qudra… power, more than power..absolute power oceans

Coming, coming, coming, neverending subhanAllah, and now we are aproaching our world now approaching to its end and happening of our world going to be disappearing through the endless power oceans of Allah Almighty.

We are approaching. They are only as a small atom through bigness of this creation, and creation, endlessly also. Therefore we are saying happening, happening going on without stopping and our time coming that the happening of our dunya our globe, reaching to its end when it is reaching to its end, then sending people on it some of them another happening that belongs to eternity and what remaining, remaining as ashes.

Oohhhhh man, oh mannnnn....oh human, dont think that you should be foreverrrr through this happening.

Any time that coming a dom…dom…dom…dom…

Following another happening through the endless oceans of the Lord's power oceans, Qudra and every second or less than a second or less from that or less from that you can find countless happenings countless worlds, countless creation.

Because they glory of the Creator just can be seeen through endless creation and through endles happenings nd through endles happenings.
Oh people…, come and listen, come and try to understand something before going to be ashes. Ashes… dom… dom…dom… Billions when I am saying dom dom from one dom to second dom, billions happenings appearing and disappearing. Because the Lord of Heavens no limits for His Majesty. No limits for His glory. Allahu Akbar wa lillahil hamd.

Oh people… it is very short something they are making me to speak that even I am surprising if I may reach a very very small understanding. For this happening what we are in it now.

May Allah grants to you from His endless lights Divenly lights oceas for understanding. May Allah forgives us, oh our Lord, you are our Lord. Allahu Akbar. Whole glory for you, forgive us and bless our selves. We are so weak ones. Fatiha for the honour of seal of Prophets .

SubhanAllah, dont worry and dont be in doubt if a milimeter of distance.... ..He is filling ourselves with countless things the pupil putting in it continents and skies and putting a milimeter distance.

Why you are asking a evidence no, what is the distance of your eye, milimeter or less when you are looking through this happening in it and yet we are on first step of creation.

It is going up , going up, getting more , getting more getting more and when we are, when you are passing this happening, Allah knows which power giving us, giving paradise people. The centre of their eyes to see now we are seeing around oursevels. Granted.

You may reach every corner, every peice of tha tparadise you should be there. Allahu Akbar! wa lillahil hamd. Fatiha! Amin. Yaa.. Rabbi syukur.

If that authority granted to man, what about the Creator no doubt thanks to our Lord Almighty Allah

If that finger not saying, cant write but its finger also seeing and writing. If cant see that, you cant write angel of fingers. We are knowing nothing may allah forgive us. Masha Allah for respect and love and honour for all time

( Syaikh Hisham Kabbani qs told Sulthan Awliya that 1500 viewer watching sufilive from 24 Countries )

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

( Translated by Sabiha Toronto )

wasalam, arief hamdani
www.rumicafe. blogspot. com

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