February 13, 2009, Friday
Lefke, Northern Cyprus
In The name of Allah, The All-Compassionate, All-Merciful, Audhu billahiminash shaytanirrajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, alhamdulillahi Rabbil alemiyn. Ya ibadAllah..
Alhamdulillahilladh i hadana liliymani wal-Islam (Amin) wa sharafana binabiyyi Sayyidina Muhammadin wa alayhissalatu wassalaam (Maulana stands up) Ya Sayyidal awwalin wal akhirin.. Ya Sayyidi Ya RasulAllah.. ishfalana ya Sayyidi. Dastur ya rijalAllah, meded, meded..
Audhu billahi min ash-shaitanir rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adhiym / There's no power and strength save in Allah, the Exalted, the Sublime.. Allah Allah, Allah Allah.. Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah, wa ashadu anna Sayyidana Muhammadun Habibuhu wa Rasululuhu.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaitanir rajim.. O people, run to Allah from shaitan; shaitan asking to take you to hells. Say, 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim'; that is greatest honor that we've been granted to say 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim'. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.. O our Lord, we are so so happy, grateful, talihli biggest chance, fortunate that we have been from the nation of the seal of Prophets, most glorified, and most beloved and most honored servant of The Lord of Heavens. O people, give your most high respect to that one that he is in Divinely Presence most high servant!
I am asking some no-mind doctors: What is your opinion about Arshullahil Adhiym? Allah Allah.. Arshullahil Adhiym, Divinely Throne, Divinely Throne.. Allah Almighty created, created that most respected Throne, Divinely Throne and He ordered to four angels Sayyidina Gibril, Sayyidina Israfil, Sayyidina Mikail, Sayyidina Azrail to take to carry but they can't be able to carry Divinely Throne. Huuu.. Then Allah Almighty created such amount from angels, they're huge angels for helping for carrying that Divinely Throne; they also can't be able to carry. Then Allah Almighty ordering to angels to say: 'Allahumma la hawla quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adhiym. Qul, say: La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adhiym.'
They said, they said and they are going to able to carry Divinely Throne, but they were looking that under their feet nothing; they were standing on their stations, When they're saying 'La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adhiym', their feet getting up also with Divinely Throne up! And they were fearing to fall down and they are also catching Divinely Throne and now no one knowing whom carrying Divinely Throne. Angels, all angels just they have been held through that Divinely Throne.
This is an introduction or preparation that we're saying for some doctors; all doctors empty ones: they're not understanding anything from spirituality; they're material people, like materialist people; their ideas all of them material or materialist, false thinkings, they're not understanding beyond materiality. Dr Filan that he's, he's chief of any religious university whole religious universities that they're teaching people, their teachers all of them so closer to materialist ideas but never they're coming closer to spirituality.
Therefore they've changed their names as 'materialist people' saying 'Who is that one?' 'Dr Haji Mestan', 'Dr Ahmed Mecnun'.. How? Their names.. war Rasul yaqul, Nabi aleyhissalatu wassalaaam saying: man tashabbaha biqawmin qawminhum, who is making himself to be look like any group of people or group of ideas, they're from those people.' Why you're using 'Doctor'? O muslims, muslims' professors, muslims why you're not using 'Alim' or 'Allame'? Why you're using 'Doctor'?
What is the, what is the value that title through Heavens? just thrown down! but you're going to be proud that written in front of your names: 'Doctor Filan', 'Doctor Ayhan', 'Doctor Seyhan', 'Doctor shaitan'.. no 'Doctor' in Islamic, in Islamic literature, no! that never accepting, never accepting! La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahilil aliyyil adhiym.. Those people that they're more closer to materialism than spiritualism, if you're asking that that glorified Throne, Divinely Throne, they know throne. for Whom? for Whom? We may say for an understanding; through kingdoms, through their palaces there's a throne that sitting on it king or queen or emperor or empress..
That, that Arshullah, that Arshullah, Divinely Throne.. I am asking those doctors, for whom, who is going to sit on it or to be on it? No answer, no answer.. no answer but must be answer: for Whom Allah Almighty created Arsh, Holy Throne, Divinely Throne? Like that Divinely Throne if may be a throne more bigger than, more enlighted than from that Arsh, what do you think to whom, for to whom that throne, Holy Throne? No answer.. But they must learn.. It is not for Allah.. it is not for Allah: Allah Almighty no anything from His creatures may carry Him, hasha! No, no! Allah Almighty, no one knows His greatness and any creature may how can be able to carry The Lord of Heavens, The Lord of creation!
That they're saying nothing, no answer but I may say that is for the honor of the most honored (Maulana stands up for Sayyidana Muhammad's honor) servant of Him Almighty, Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Where should be Maqamul Mahmud? Where it should be? Maqamul Mahmud on Arsh also; that name for the honor of Divinely Throne that is 'Maqamul Mahmud'. Can't be for anyone! Only for one and the seal of the Prophets most honored and glorified one whose saying that: '
It is only for one and I hope to be that one.' Therefore you must ask that: 'Allahumma athis Sayyidana Muhammadan sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ash shafaa wal wasila abasli Maqamin Mahmudan elladhi wa'atta', that is dua, you must ask that he should be granted, and honored, and glorified through that Arshur Rahman. Allah Allah, Allah Allah.. They're saying uhh 'What you're saying making shirk', haa, your shirk under my feet! your understanding also under my feet! They're understanding nothing! You're materialist people but we're believing in the spirituality and the spiritual world and beyond that, beyond that, beyond that..!
O people, give your most high respect for that one who's glorified in Divinely Presence which no one glorified as he had been glorified. You must be happy and you must respect him and you must follow him teaching you the ways of the spirituality and the spiritualism beyond materialism; no materialism there but the spiritualism.
O people, now whole world running after material, materiality, and they were thinking that materiality can save them or can take them to such highest positions that nothing may take them on that level. And whole materialism under the feet of that one! And standing on it! And his honor and his lights, no one can reach or can understand who he is! No measure for Sayyidana Muhammad peace be upon him, for his greatness and honor and glory that granted by Allah Almighty! Huuu..! Allah, Allah, Allah..
O people that living on earth now you're all zalim oppressors because you're not giving the rights that granted from Allah to Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and you're not giving your respect, therefore you're coming down, down, down daily you're going deeper, deeper through dark worlds! No way for mankind now to save themselves from crises and wars and fightings and everything that giving to people unrest positions you can't save yourselves from that only when you're coming and giving your high honor, highest honor and glory that granted by his Lord to Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.. That is the way! Your material, materiality fikirler ideas never bringing to you anything but making much more trouble and much more problems for mankind.
O people, come to right way; I am calling every religious people: first of all to think what we had been said now to think on it. If no thinking, the punishment that just fall on nations whom they were denying and getting rebellious and disobedient for their Prophets and not giving high respect to their Lord that punishment looking an order to fall on earth to take from 6, 5 and remaining 1. May Allah forgive us. May Allah bless you, me also, and gives His Mercy to whole nations and a good understanding whom their Prophets particularly whole Prophets that they're followers of the seal of the Prophets Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam (Maulana stands up) wa sharrafa wa karram, Al Fatiha.
Minggu, 22 Februari 2009
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