Senin, 23 Februari 2009

A warning to the heads of nations: Stop wars and killing!

Sohbet from Cuma, Friday, 6.2.09

A warning to the heads of nations: Stop wars and killing!

Destur, ya Rijalallah, Meded! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded!
As-salamu alaikum, o mumins and muminas, welcome to you! From far distances you are coming; may Allah bless you and your descendants and ancestors and forgive me also. We are in need (of) Allah Almightys Forgiveness.
And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani r-rajim. We are running away from Shaitan, because Shaitan, that one, (he) is (the) worst enemy of mankind. We must run away from him!
And we are saying: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. That is (the) highest honour that we have been granted from Allah Almighty, to say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Who (is) going to say: Bismillahi r-Rahmanir r-Rahim, (he is) running to Allah and Allah Almighty (is) sheltering that servant from Shaitan and its bad actions.
Shaitan, the enemy of mankind, (he is) always running after mankind to call them on bad ways that everything that Shaitan (is) teaching people, it is against humanity. And Allah Almighty (is) sending His most beloved and most glorified, (the) most honoured one in His divinely Presence S.Muhammmad sws ... (Here the Sheikh is standing up)... Ya Sayyidi, Meded! ... (They are) like two poles - positive and negative. (S.Muhammad sws, the) positive (pole, is) calling people to Paradise and (Shaitan, the) negative (pole, is) calling people and urging people to reach to Hells.
And people mostly they are running after Shaitan, because (the) shaitanic teaching it is suitable for our bad egos. (The) ego (is) like, just like or similar of (to) Shaitan. Shaitan (is) outside, and (the) ego (is) inside, (and) both of them (are) against humanity. We have been ordered to fight against Shaitan and nafs, our egos. If we are surrendering to them, they are taking us to Hells.
And Allah Almighty (was) sending His selected ones from (among) His servants, whom they are Prophets. (They were) taking Lights from (the) divinely Lights that Lights Allah (had) granted to His most beloved, most honoured, most glorified servant S.Muhammad sws. Who (is) running to him, (he is also) taking from that Lights, divinely Lights, heavenly Lights.
O people! (This is) something, that (is) coming to me to address to you. It is not only for a handful (of) people, but I am addressing for whole nations.
(And it is) through (all) Holy Books; beginning from (the) Holy Pages that (were) granted (to) S.Adam - peace be upon him, then to Idris Nabi, then to Abraham - peace be upon them. Then coming Taura, Taura to S.Musa a.s., and then... coming Holy Book Taura, Old Testament, and (the) Evangelo, (the) Ingil, that (it) is (the) New Testament and just (was) given (the) Psalm (to) Daud a.s.
Then, at the end of heavenly Messages, (it) just reached to (the) most honoured and glorified servant in (the) divinely Presence, that Allah Almighty (is) granting to him (on) the Day of Resurrection (the) Maqamu-l Mahmoud, (the) highest, highest position, highest station.
Just Allah Almighty (is) making that Station (for) only one through (His) creatures; through all mankind (he is the) chosen one for that highest, highest honoured, highest glorified Station Maqamu-l Mahmoud. When (it is) going to be (the) Last Day, Allah Almighty (is) calling: O Muhammad, o My servant, o My most beloved one! That highest Station or Stage it is for you only, not anyone else! Come and stand up on that highest, highest Station, Maqamu-l Mahmoud! Salawatu-llah wa salamu alayh!
124.000 Prophets just Allah Almighty (was) sending; beginning from S.Adam pbuh and (with) the last and highest, (the) most honoured, most glorified Prophet, the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws, (it was) finishing... Allah Allah...
He is just honoured by his Lord, but now we are living in a time (where) even Muslims that they are saying: La ilaha illa-Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah sws, they are looking and saying, if anyone (is) giving (his) most high respect to S.Muhammad sws, they are refusing (that), saying: No, (that is Shirk) , saying: No!
(The) honours that (have been) granted from Allah Almighty, all of them, beside that (, which has been) granted to S.Muhammad sws, (is) going to be as a spot, but those no mind people they are saying that - if we are respecting the Seal of Prophets - we are doing partnership. No mind people! What (has been) granted (to) the Seal of Prophets... at least he is a man that Allah Almighty created him and granted to him that honour. But so many people from (the) Islamic World (are) quarrelling with Ahlu-l Sunnah, saying, if we are making that high respect: It is not true, (it is) going to be Shirk!
Oh no mind people! How (it) can be (that) one (man who has been) created by Allah Almighty (is going) to be His partner? But no mind! They are so ignorant ones; never understanding anything from the Kalimatu Shahada that Allah Almighty (is) ordering people to say, to accept and say: Say: We are witnesses (of) the Oneness and Unity of Allah Almighty (La ilaha ill-Allah) and then (that) just He granted among yourself (to) S.Muhammad sws (honour) as His most beloved, most honoured and glorified servant (Muhammad Rasulullah). Allah (Almighty is) saying: He is My servant! As much as you can give to him from respect - that respect (is always) on limits. Besides Allah Almightys respect to S.Muhammad sws, (the) whole creation, what they can give (from) respect to S.Muhammad sws, it is nothing! But those square-head people they (are) never understanding and (they are) saying so many wrong things for Ahlu-l Sunnah wa Jamaat.
But we are on power! We are supported by heavenly Powers! We are not fearing what they are claiming and saying!
They know that there is (a) Hadith (saying) that: (There) may be a person (whom) you can see in old clothes (and) without shoes and (he has) nothing on his head; only (there) may be one piece of cloth for downstairs and over (his upper body there) may be one (piece of cloth) or not. But if that one (is) asking from Allah Almighty anything, Allah Almighty (is) granting (it to him) just that time! How we are saying about (the) Prophet, the Seal of Prophets sws, (the) most beloved one that (the) whole (of) creation (was) created (just) for his honour!
Those people, they are thinking that they can do something. They cant do something, they cant do anything! They are depending (relying) on their rockets, depending (relying) on their navies or so many bad weapons (that) they did it, they are saying: No, we are so so powerful! We are... Never mind, what you are saying, we can do anything!
You cant do anything!
One person (such) as (the) Prophet was describing his outlooking, < because you are looking (to) out(ward) dressings, you are not looking (to) the hearts of people. That ones clothes (may be) only two pieces of clothes, you are looking (to) that, (but) his Creator (is) looking (to) his heart> - if he (is) saying for Dunya: Dont turn from East to West, (but) come from West to East, (it) may come!
I am warning whole people, whom they are trying to bring something against (the) divinely Laws and Orders! No, you cant find a way! Any time Allah Almighty may order to (the) Angel of Death, Archangel Azrail: Take all of them! (Take their) souls! And Archangel Azrail (is) never in need to use weapons or nuclear-heads. What is that nuclear-heads! On their heads - finishing. (He is) making: Huuuuuu... (and they are) finishing. But they are not believing... and who is not believing, (there is) no way for them here or Hereafter to be saved.
And we are warning everyone that their intent(ion) is no good. No good! They are asking to destroy and to kill millions, ten millions, perhaps billions (of) people with their rockets! I am nothing, but my warning is something! Before they are using that, we may... (Before they are) going to command to fire, to send up that rockets, they should die!
You cant touch, you cant kill the Children of Adam! Allah Almighty created them; (He is) not giving to you power and authority to kill innocent people with your rockets! Iranians, Israelis, East and West people - we are going to prevent them! Death (will be) reaching (to) them, before they are touching that button!
May Allah forgive us. O people, Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allah Subhana Hu wa taala, Allah Almighty, no one knows what He is doing, but there is some divinely Orders appearance (Tajalli); that appearance, (if it) is just reaching, changing everything on earth!
People they are fearing from rockets, coming from Iran. Uhassir raisahum(?) Dont touch, dont do, dont throw! If (you are) not listening, you are going (to finish), before that rocket (is) reaching you! And dont think that Heavens (is) without guardians! That guardians, if (they are) making like this... most powerful rockets (are finishing)...
I am warning and I am nothing! I am zero, behind one. (But) if I am coming (in) front of 1, I may do (something), I have power. Now I am zero, on left hand. If (I am coming on the) right hand, we have power! Like... ten worlds like this, in one second may take them away, one 0. If two zeros, making more. If three zeros, making much more. Much more!
You must believe that Allah (is) Qadiru-l mutlak, muqtadirun ala-l itrak (?). Understanding? Arabs! Arabs (are) fighting, (but) not for Allah! Not for Allah! Allah (is) never happy (with) who is not fighting for His honour!
If they are moving by shaitanic orders, heavenly Orders (are) saying: Stop! Stop it! Keep (your rockets), or we are reaching to you (from) under your feet or (from) over your heads, (so) you are not knowing, where going your heads from your legs! I am fearing from Allah! May Allah forgive me.
I am only (a) warner for whole nations: including Russia, including India, including China, including America, including Turkey, including Egypt, Libya, Hejaz - everywhere!
If they are looking through their Holy Books, (they) may understand, what we are saying; if it is true or wrong. Yes; warning (the) Pope, warning Patriarchs, warning Rabbis. Stop killing people! Stop wars! And try to be servants of your Creator! If not, you should be punished!
Common people (are) going to be under shelter, divinely shelter, but the heads (of nations) should be taken (away) in a second!
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah...
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah... Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah!

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