Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Sohbet after Juma, Friday, 16.01.09

O Allah! Send the Heavenly Sultan to Unite the Muslims!

Ya Sayyid as-Sadat wa Nur al-Mawjudat, ya Man huwa al-malja'u li-man massahu daymun wa ghammun wa alam! Ya aqraba l-wasa'ili ila-Allahi ta'ala wa ya aqwal-mustanad, attawassalu ila janabika l-a’zam bi-hadhihi-s- sadati, wa ahli-Llah, wa ahli baytika l-kiram, li-daf‘i durrin la yudfa‘u illa bi wasitatik, wa raf‘i daymin la yurfa‘u illa bi-dalalatik, ya Sayyidi, wa Mawlay, Ya Rasool Allah, Ya Rahmatan lil-‘alameen:

Nabi – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam –, Siddiq, Salman, Qasim, Ja‘far, Tayfur, Abu l-Hasan, Abu ‘Ali, Yusuf, Abu l-‘Abbas, ‘Abdul Khaliq, ‘Arif, Mahmud, ‘Ali, Muhammad Baba as-Samasi, Sayyid Amir Kulali, Khwaja Baha'uddin Naqshband, ‘Ala'uddin, Ya‘qub, ‘Ubaidullah, Muhammad az-Zahid, Darwish Muhammad, Khwajaka l-Amkanaki, Muhammad al-Baqi, Ahmad al-Faruqi, Muhammad Ma‘sum, Sayfuddin, Nur Muhammad, Habibullah, ‘Abdullah, Shaykh Khalid, Shaykh Isma‘il, Khas Muhammad, Shaykh Muhammad Effendi al-Yaraghi, Sayyid Jamaluddin al-Ghumuqi al-Hussaini, Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri, Abu Muhammad al-Madani, Shaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani, Sayyidi wa Maulayi Sultanu-l Awliya Sheikh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghistani ‘ala-Llahu ta’ala darajatihim daima!

That is our chain, coming from (the) holy Prophet up to me, without any cutting. That is (a) true chain that (they are) saying ‘Naqshibandi Mashayyikh’, Naqshibandi Masters, they are saying this (is the) ‘Golden Chain’. From Prophet – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam – up today this (chain is) never going to be cut down. And now 39 just passed away, all Grandsheikhs. .. For the Mehdi, Sayyidina Mehdi – alayhi salam – up to his time, should be a short time, that everything (is) going to be closed down and whole Awliyas they are hiding themselves by order of the Seal of Prophets – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

You may find through East and West so many people, they are saying they are Naqshibandi or Qadiri or Rifai or Mevlewi or Tijani or Shazili or..., but it is cut down; no one can carry that Divinely Power to bring (it) to (the) people, therefore they are just stopped.

Through (the) Naqshibandi Tariqat also (there are) so many Naqshibandi people through East and West; they are Naqshibandi, but (there is) no more real Master, who (is) coming up to our Gransheikh Sheikh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghistani Sultanu-l Awliya. (It is) just closed down.

I am not claiming that I am a sheikh or I am a murid; I am ashaming to say (this), but (the) Holy Order (is) coming from Rasulullah – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam – that our Grandsheikh closed down his Maqam. As a shop-keeper, last treasurer, who was keeping (the) treasures of (the) holy treasures of people. Particularly Naqshibandi Masters, they are keeping (them), and they are closed down their treasures by (the) Holy Command from heavenly ones and they are also hidden ones. Hidden ones... But the last Sultan for Naqhsbandi Sheikh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghistani Sheikhi wa Murshidi with Prophet’s Order just closed down his treasure, only saying, ordering to me, to put a chair... not like this chair... like a box that you are putting apples (in it) or pears or tomato... when it is going to be empty, they are saying: “Take this empty box, sit down here... look (that) no one can go in! You are responsible! Anyone asking for Naqshibandi Tariqat and Masters, they should come to this palace of Naqshibandi Masters.

Anyone asking to come and asking, say: ‘It is closed down now, but what do you want?’ ‘We want some dhikr for Naqshibandi.’ ‘We may give to you. Take this, daily do this, do that...till Heavenly Order coming and you should be that time accepted or not or to be on your (position).. . Where you are now, you may wait there, till this door opening. You should be prepared through that one that sitting now on a box. If he is signing, then doors opening, you may come in. If he is not signing - that person, who is sitting on tomato box, carton... - Not like this something... if I am sitting like this, they are thinking for me that I am so important one... no, no! Carton or wooden box! – That one (is) signing and giving some orders for a preparation to come in. If you can do that, you can be inside, opening to you. If not, it is closed down. You may sit with him and you may speak up and down... it is okay... but you have a application to be Naqshbandi.. . accepted, accepted, but you are not yet prepared to come and to be a follower, real follower of (the) Naqshibandi way. Therefore you may sit with me or here also, doesn’t matter...

That is my position. People (are) thinking that I am a Master... ‘Master’ similar... not similar, but ‘uydurma’, imitated... Real ones... People coming and asking Sheikh. I am saying: “I am not Sheikh. If you are asking real Sheikh, go to cemeteries, to their Dergahs, you can find there, (in) their tombs and Maqams.”
I have nothing to do now; I am looking (for the) holy Order. If (the) holy Order (is) coming, that one, who (is) sitting on (that) box, may change East of world to West, West of world to East! Zero on left hand, but if they are giving permission, putting that 1, who sitting on box after 1, he may do so many things you can’t imagine But now they are putting that 1 to be on left hand.

Left hand zero (is) zero. No value. But when you are putting one and putting zero, one-zero = 10, two zeros = 100, three zeros = 1000, four zeros = 10000, five zeros =, zero, zero... but with this one! Then that one (is) giving power. But behind, that one (0,1...) - nothing...

Eh! Beware, keep your tongues, don’t speak against anyone! That one who (is) sitting on (the) box, (is) nothing; but keep your tongue, don’t speak! If you (are) speaking, you can’t carry his heavy burden and you may pass away... one day, second day, third day maybe on cemetery way...

Ya... O people, (the) Prophet (was) saying sws: “Salamu insan fi hifz al-lisan. O people, if you are asking to be in safety and under shelter, keep your tongue, don’t speak! If you are asking to speak, use your tongue for dhikr and Salat ‘ala Nabi – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam! That beginning to speak... this one like this, that one like that - you can’t carry, something may touch you, never going to be happy.

This I am saying for whole world people, because now (the) time of Mehdi - ‘alayhi salam - (is) just beginning through this holy month Muharramu-l Haram and kufr and everything, that or everyone that they are against holy Shari‘a, should be taken away. Should be taken away and then Mehdi a.s. should come.
Before Mehdi - ‘alayhi salam - coming, so many signs. Prophet – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam – just spoke on it. One of them that when time is over, Arabs that they are saying some of them they are Syri or Libnani or Iraqi or Lybi or Saudi or Misri or Sudani or Liby or Jaza’iri... all these things making Islam to be on several parties. Several parties. And Allah Almighty (was) warning Ummatu Muhammad – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam: “If they are not keeping My Orders, I am going to punish them! And say, O My beloved one, what I can do for them!” Asta‘idhu bi-llah: “Wa Huwa-l Qadiru ‘ala an yab‘atha alaikum ‘adhaban min fauqikum...” Allah jalla jalaluh (was) saying to His beloved one: “O My beloved one! If they are not following Shari‘a, Heavenly Orders, I am able (with) full Power to send on them a punishment from their head sides, from up, to send them My Punishment!” And the holy Prophet (was) saying: “O my Lord, don’t destroy my Ummah with such a punishment coming from their head side!”
And Allah Almighty (was) sending again to His most beloved servant (His answer) and (was) saying: “... aw min tahti arjulikum... Or you must warn your Ummah: if they are not listening (to the) Holy Orders of (the) Holy Quran, Holy Orders of Heavens, (My) Heavenly Anger (is) able, full(y) able, to send on them a punishment (from) under their feet!” Such an earthquake may destroy everything through not minutes, through seconds! Rasul – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that he is Rahmatun li-l ‘alamin, (was) saying: “O my Lord, don’t destroy my Ummah with such a punishment coming (from) under their feet!”

I heard that before 3 or 5 years ago, an earthquake happened in China, in a city only, that they are saying more than 90.000 people through seconds just passed away! And what happened from material damage, (what) happened through that city, they are saying, (was a damage of) 150 Billion Dollars, through seconds, what happened! You must fear from Allah! (He) may change East to West or East or West to East in seconds! Beware o people!

And (the) Prophet was knowing (this) and (he was) saying: “O my Lord, don’t destroy my Ummah (like this)!” Allah Almighty (was) saying and warning: “O My Habib, O My beloved one. As long as they are coming against My holy Shari‘a, I must punish them!”

“Wa huwa qadiru ‘ala an yabatha alaikum adhaban min fauqikum aw min tahti arjulikum aw yalbisakum shi‘an yudhika ba’adakum ba’sa ba‘d (?)... Or I am making them so many groups and they are coming to fight each other.” Then (the) Prophet was saying (translating) : “When the time of Mehdi coming and people they are not taking care for Holy Commands, (Allah Almighty is saying), I am making them so many groups of people, they are going to fight each other... I am making them to taste the bitter(ness) of Punishment!” And Rasulullah sws was saying: “Before Mehdi – alayhi salam – (is) coming, Arabs, qaba’il l-‘arab, should be among themselves so many troubles, should be each one against (the) second one.”

And that is what we are in it now! Because they left Shari‘atu-Llah and they are saying: “We are following parliament system and we are following democracy.“ Is it written on Holy Quran this? (It is) written: Shari‘atu-Llah! They left it and punishment just reached to them. Now what happening (in the) whole world they are looking and speaking and crying, but no way, till they must come to Shari‘atu-Llah, to Shari‘atu-Llah.

Allah - SubhanaHu wa ta’ala - forgive us and we are asking what He promised us: To send a Sultan. If (the) Sultan (is) not coming, never going to be the positions of Muslims good, going always down, not going up.

This is a something or (a) summary and I am speaking, as they are making me to speak, from (the) Holy Quran. No one can object on it, no:

We are oppressors and punishment comes! We may cry for innocent ones, but whom they are leading nations and whom they are leading countries, they can’t do anything. They can’t do anything, because Allah Almighty saying: “If you are going to be so many kind of states, I am not keeping you. I am ordering to you to be one hand!” Now there is (one) billion and 500 [million] or two billion Muslims. What is their value? What they can do? Nothing, because they are doing against (the) Holy Orders of Heavens.

May Allah forgive me. I am only a warner, warner, warner... except this I can’t do anything...

May Allah forgive us and send for whole nations whom they are in need some, a new leader, not from earth, but heavenly, to save humanity. May Allah forgive us!

For the honour of (the) most honoured one, most glorified one, most beloved servant of Allah Sayyidina Muhammad – sallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam –


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