Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Thinking is a grant from Allah to mankind only

In The name of Allah, The All-Compassionate, All-Merciful, Audhu billahiminash shaytanirrajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, alhamdulillahi Rabbil alemiyn

Discourse of Maulana Sheikh Nazim Adil Al Hakkani Al Kibrisi
November 18, 2003
Lefke, Northern Cyprus

....Yes.. thinking, to think is a grant from Allah Almighty to mankind only, because they have been promised an eternal life, therefore they must prepare for eternal life, they must think on it, according to Holy Books and Prophet's Wisdoms. That is a grant from Allah Almighty.
Animals are not mukallaf, they have no responsibility, therefore they are not thinking anything, they are not responsible for that. But you, mankind, we, we must use; that is the difference, tamiz, distinguished, a kind of grant from Allah Almighty to mankind because they are offered for the Lord's servanthood and they have promised for a eternal life, they have been loaded responsibility here and Hereafter. We have been informed that we are going to be asked, to be questioned through Judgment Day when Allah Almighty giving His Judgment for everyone that is for mankind. Therefore they must think on it. And it is our difference between ourselves and other creatures. Through all creatures we have been elected and selected. Yes, to think is for whole mankind; therefore, if you are using that, you are on the level of mankind, humanity. If not using it, you are coming falling down to the level of animals that they are not thinking, and first thing that shaitan tried and trying now also is to occupy mankind with such things lahwal hadith, Holy Quran saying, that occupying a man not to think about himself, about his creation, about his future. And thinking, it is the only key for opening coming days and future here and Hereafter, but shaitan first attacking and assaulting the minds of people and occupying their minds with such useless and harmful things that mankind now they forget to think. They are not thinking because 24 hours they are occupied with nonsense, with useless things, with dirty opinions thrown through their minds and mentalities. And shaitan is trying to enter to the heart of mankind because the heart is the Throne of Heavenly Power.
Throne, must be on Throne Heavenly, One as a sultan and he must control whole our organs, our bodies. If you are not taking care for it and leaving open doors and leaving Throne, not protecting it for heavenly being, then shaitan coming and sitting on it and making itself your commander and that commander making you his donkey and sending you through every direction that one is more harmful than the second one. If you are asking to save yourself from one, shaitan is saying, 'Leave it, come to another one', and saying, 'Ohhh, it is so bad, I am changing you to another one' shaitan making people run into dirty channels that have countless dirty channels, to make yourself drink and live in it, never giving you a chance to think, 'What I am doing through that dirty channel', no! Saying, 'No, you must not be with your memory, you must try to forget your memory, drink this! Drink this to forget what touched to you from so many bad things through this life. If you are asking to be happy, you must forget it, and the way of forgetting is only use this, so that your mind is not going to have any memory of past time anymore.' Therefore making people to be alcoholic at least or using the poison heroin and such things, all of them their first aim is to make peoples' memories out of order. Whole drinks and whole such poisoned heroin or drugs, all drugs for what? One purpose: to make memory of people not to work, to forget everything because when they is thinking, keeping through their memory what giving trouble to them. And they are asking to save themselves from troubles, and shaitan, their teacher, saying, 'No, use this, you should reach to another world that no trouble there, because no memory. It is always white, nothing written on it, no. Use it.' And perhaps 99% people are using drugs, if not using drugs, using so many tablets that must be in it from that poison. They are saying, 'You are resting, you are forgetting your pains. This is painkiller, take it. Take it, no more pain for you.' That is satanic way. May Allah forgive me and save us from falling through the traps of shaitan and satanic tricks, for the honor of the most honored one Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him, Fatiha.
99% people in such a way; hey are going to lose everything, to lose humanity, finishing.May Allah keep us in His right path with His true ones, and to be truth defenders, Fatiha. Especially this for youngsters.. , you tried it before? so many times. Allah protects.

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