Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Suhbah in Arabic by Mawlana Shaykh Husayn ‘Ali Ar-Rabbani An- Naqshbandi by Sheikh Adnan from Thursday evening, 27.11.08

Bismillahirrahmanir rahim

From Suhbah in Arabic by Mawlana Shaykh Husayn ‘Ali Ar-Rabbani An- Naqshbandi

Interpreter : Mawlana Shaykh Adnan Qobbani

Transcription: DvD

Afrin, Aleppo (Halb), Syria

February 2004 CE

Dzulhijjah 1424 H

Bismillahirrahmanir rahim

Mawlana Shaykh Khalid Al Baghdadi r.a. said, “Be with Allah Al Mighty with sidq (truthfulness, sincerity) and be with the Shaykh with khidmah (service), and be with the scholar / ulama’ with tawadhu (humbleness) , and be with the brothers and sisters of the naqshabandi Way with nasihah (advice), and be with the family with good relation, and be with the children with pity, and be with the poor by generosity, and be with the ignorant by silence.”

And far this, we must force ourselves not to do anything forbidden from Allah Al Mighty; and we must follow Rasulullah saw by what he order us to do and to disobey shaytan.

Allah SWT said, “Wa an maa man khofa maqoma Rabbihi wa naha nafsa ‘anil hawa- wa innal jannata hiyal ma’wa”.

“The one who forcing himself not to obey his ego and to entering any forbidden which Allah has forbidden it, then Allah Al Mighty is going to reward him by Jannah/Paradise” .

Grandshaykh says “If you are not enemy to yourself, never you are going to be a friend to Allah Al Mighty. When you will know yourself and disobey it and be enemy to it, then Allah will dress you to be a sincere Awliya’ friend to Him. He will be your friend.

Sayyidina Shaykh Shah Naqshbandi, imam of Naqshbandi said in the gathering of scholars (ulama’) “If iblis / shaytan is in between us, now, I will kiss his feet, and respect him too much, because if it were not because of him, we, Awliya’ would not reach to these high maqoms (stations).”

For all Malaikah, there is no ascend for them the high maqoms, because they don’t have ego. They are lights of Allah Al Mighty, so they are staying in their maqoms.

Shaytan/Iblis is always ordering and doing thing with your bad ego in you for making badness to Allah Almighty and to make her best in you to do far away from Allah Al Mighty and to disobey Allah Almighty. If we obey her, we are going to be far away from Allah al Mighty. If we disobey her, we are going to be so close to Allah Al Mighty.

Bani Adam, Children of Adam a.s, we are people, like students in the school from class to another, from coming like this and then graduate, and to the high school, then graduate from the university until you reach to have the Master degree, or the PhD., then you will be in the high maqom. Like this, in the Naqshbandi Way , by disobeying your ego, you will be graduated from one grade to another until you reach the maqom of Fardaniyyin, the maqom of uniqueness, where you reach to the maqom of city of prophet Allah Al Mighty created iblis / shaytan for our benefit, not for harming us. For this for every muslim one who submit himself to Allah Al Mighty, he must disobey his ego ( an nafsul Ámmarah), which is ……to us by shaytan.

By disobeying your ego, you will get the highest maqom, station, in the Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty. And for this, it is an order on us to obey Allah Almighty, to obey Seal of Prophet s.a.w, and to obey our Shaykh, Grandshaykh, Mawlana Shaykh, all Grandshaykhs of this Naqshbandi Way .

And for this, Sayyidina Khalid Al Baghdadi says, “Be with the Shaykh by serving (khidmah).” Serving him means by obeying him by whatever he is ordering you. And to leave whatever he told you. “Don’t do this”, Leave!, The tiniest of it or the biggest of it leave! When he said, “don’t do!”then don’t do it, finish. Don’t make your mind, your ego, “Don’t do it, it’s OK”. And to imitate or to dress by the good character of the Shaykh and you will, Allah AlMighty make you to raise your station, and make you come up under the maqams.

The Naqshbandi Way is first known as the Shiddiqi Way . Then, it was known as Tariqal Adabiyyah, good character. Then Sayyidina Shah Naqshbandi named it by the name of Way of Naqshbandi. What is the meaning why he called it as the Naqshbandi Way ? The meaning is that, for example if you engrave on a stone, never it will be removed, this engraving. He says, the one who takes initiation (bay’ah) and follows the Shaykh, he will be in the way of Allah Almighty, and Seal of Prophet s.a.w., and the Shaykh by the Name of Allah Almighty, no more any shaytan or anyone can take him from the hand of the Shaykh to be bad.

For this, Allah SWT said, “Yaa ayyuhalladziina aamanut taqullaaha wa kuunuu ma’as saadiqiin.” “Oh, believers be worried from Allah Almighty and be with sincere people!”

If Allah Almighty had said, “Be sincere! (kuunuu saadiqiin)” then we are finished! [Instead, He SWT said, “…be with the sincere ones!”] We are done, khalas!

And this is Allah Almighty makes it as symbol, put an example for all muslim men and women, the dog of As-habul Kahfi (People of the Cave), that even it is a dog, Allah Almighty makes it to be pure and to be entering to Jannah with them, and also He is mentioning by the Divinely Tongue of Allah Almighty about the dog and these people, and also making it anyone reciting it in the prayer is allowed to recite, even the dog may come in your tongue, while you are in prayer in behind of Allah Almighty.

Because he follows the sincere ones, the real believers, even if he’s not pure. Allah makes him pure, cleans him, and mentions him in the Holy Quran,

“Sayaquuluuna tsalatsatun raabi’uhum kalbuhum…. Al-ayah” QS Al Kahfi (18): 22

“.. three of them, and the four one is their dog….”

“Or five and the sixth of them is the dog, or six, and the seventh of them is the dog.”

And it’s going to enter to Jannah the Paradise , even if it is full with waste and not pure, Allah will clean it and change it.

If the dog, which is an animal, loves these believers, and Allah makes it clean, how about a real mu’min (believer), if he loves Awliya’, and be with him, what Allah is going to do with him to reward him?

For this Allah Almighty is saying, “Be with the sincere!” He does not say, “Be sincere!”

If we are with the sincere, following them, Allah Almighty in Yaumul Qiyamah, He will make us to be, to enter into Jannah, to be in their cloak, in their wol.

And this aayah kariimah (Holy Verse) means that for every believer, Allah Almighty ordering him to make initiation (bay’ah) to a sincere one to a Wali, to a Shaykh, and to follow him, to follow a sincere one, so that he will be in zikr sharifah.

Allah Almighty created the Guideness (Murshid) to guide all people to Allah Almighty’s Hands.

If anyone his heart is going to change to be happy towards the Awliya’, they are not going to be suffering….

Ulama’ of Shams (scholar of Damascus ), today they are very bad ones, they don’t love Awliya’, or Sufi Ways . And most of them now, Mawlana saying, changed to be Salafi or Wahhabi.

And if they listen to Allah Almighty ad the Holy Quran then they must say “That is right, you must be with Awliya’”, because Allah Almighty saying, “Oh, believers (not Oh Muslim), be with the sincere one, be with Awliya’, be with Big Imams of the Heart whom they are in the line of the Seal of Prophet s.a.w. and Allah Almighty!”

Mawlana making prayer, May Allah make our hearts to be always in iman, to light it with the light of iman, and to clean our heart from darkness of kufr, and to be in the way of Allah and Awliya’, and not to be in the wrong way, to make us far away from the wrong way, and to make us to be mature ones in the Way of Allah Almighty and Prophet s.a.w. And to make us all the time to be in the path of the miracle, and the light miracle is always to have good tiding to be in the Way of Allah Almighty, Seal of Prophet s.a.w. and Awliya’. This is the best miracle.

“Ajjilul Karamaat dawaamut tawfiq” “The greatest miracle is to be steadfast in the Way of Allah”

The one who carrying strictly the Way of Naqshbandi given to him by Mawlana, quickly he will reach to the door of Seal of Prophet s.a.w.

Sayyidina Shah Bahauddin Naqshband r.a. saying in his book, “If I had no guidance for me (from a) Shaykh never I’m going to know Allah Almighty.”

For example you want to come to Aleppo to (visit) Mawlana Shaykh Husayn, and there was no at that time signs like this, how many times you are going to stop in the way, and ask people which way to go, “Like this, like that,” and everyone to guide you from a place to place … until to reach here. How many guides for you to reach here, if you don’t know the way.

Ittiba’ul Murshid

And the way of Seal of Prophet s.a.w., and Allah Almighty, also no one knows how to reach it except the one who is coming from him, and with the right from Seal of Prophet s.a.w. to guide anyone who wants this way, and by following the Shaykh, then he is told to guide us and to lead us to the door of Seal of Prophet, without doubt.

For example they put you in school to teach you. If there is no teacher, what are you going to do? Then, a good teacher is going to teach you all kinds of learnings, science, etc. How about an Awliya’, who follow a Shaykh who has right from Seal of Prophet s.a.w. and the guideness and teacher for Ummah to lead them to reach to the door of Rasulullah s.a.w.

If you reach to seal of Prophet s.a.w., through the Awliya’, the door of Allah Almighty is always open for Awliya’, guided by Seal of Prophet s.a.w.., and when you reach, Rasulullah s.a.w. will take us also to the door of Allah Almighty.

For this, Allah Almighty ordering, “….wa Kuunuu ma’a s-saadiqiin” “…be with the sincere ones!”

And we will be a very big trouble (?) if Allah Almighty said, “..Be sincere!”, for we are not capable to be sincere; but, to be with sincere is easy. …., to follow Grandshaykh, Mawlana, Awliya’, is easy to be with them, but to be like them, never.

And by following them, the sincere one will make you to reach the goal of Divine Presence of Rasulullah s.a.w.

And for this, it is something which is like prayer, order from Allah Almighty, strict order for every Muslim and Muslimah to be following a sincere one. Because it is a Holy Verse in Quran, Allah ordering, “Pray!” He SWT is saying, “Follow, to be with sincere ones!” ordering “Follow them!” The same as any orders of Allah Almighty.

Which makes us far away from Allah Almighty is our ego.

After anyone coming to this village and asking for someone for example, anybody and does not know the house of Mawlana Shaykh Husayn, and ask, “Who knows?” Someone who knows, will guide you to his door. The same with the sincere ones, the Awliya’ that we are following, they are the best experts in the ways to lead to Seal of Prophet s.a.w. So, by following them, they are going to guide you to the address that you want.

And Grandshaykh Mawlana Shaykh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghestani q.s., he said Allah Almighty sending prophets, sending books, sending then, after Seal of Prophet s.a.w., Awliya’ and sincere ones, only to make the Ummah the Nation of Prophet s.a.w., not to be ashamed in the Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty in Yawmul Qiyaamah, and they are not able to look at the Face of Allah Almighty or Seal of Prophet s.a.w. When you make badness, the head down, you are feeling ashamed to look at the one whom you make badness at.

Allah ‘azza wa jalla said, “Wa lau talaaizu… mujrimuuna naqishuuna … ‘inda rabbihim”.

“All the criminals who they are making badness, in this life, with Me, in Yaumul Qiyamah, or anytime, whenever remembering when we are praying and we remember, what we did from sins and we are in need of Allah Almighty, you will see without feeling, we are looking down like this, not able to have our heart open with Allah Almighty, feeling ashamed,….

In dunya like this, and here Allah Almighty making every badness of our ego, and our sins to be covered. No one knows this; who knows what we are doing except Allah Almighty. But, in Yawmul Qiyamah, it will not be covered. Allah Almighty for everybody, He is going to make it open to all mankind to see what this one was doing in this dunya, and then everyone of us is going to make his head looking down, ashamed from Allah Almighty, and Allah Almighty made them like as criminal one whom they are committing crime in My…. For the honor of Allah Almighty … as if something bad we make in the Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty. For this everyone will be ashamed and looking down, because we are all criminal in the Eyes of Allah Almighty.

Sayyidina Abu Ahmad As Sughuri, Grandshaykh, of our GrandGrandshaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani he was for 42 years, as the Pole/Quthb who was dressed by Allah Almighty by attribute to dressing the Will and the Faith of Allah Almighty, and spread it between all mankind. And every night of Monday night and Thursday, he used to present all whatever the nation of Rasulullah s.a.w. they did and whatever they have sins or good deeds or bad deeds, one by one, he will present them to Seal of Prophet s.a.w. Night of Monday and night of Thursday. And he used to say to the people, “If they know me as I know myself, my ego, they will kill me by stone. They will throw stones on me, that I will be finished!” And out of he is humbleness, he was saying himself that his ego will make him far away from Allah Almighty in this high maqams.

Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Al-Jaylani q.s., big imam, descendant of Rasulullah s.a.w., he was able to carry it only three years. Our grandshaykh, Sayyidina Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri carry it for 42 years, ya’ni the utmost peak Imam of Awliya’, Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani only 3 years he was able to carry it, and then he passed away after it, he was not able anymore. Sayyidina Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri 42 years.

No one of the Awliya’ from time of Seal of Prophet s.a.w. from time to Adam a.s. until Yawmul Qiyamah was able to carry it for 42 years, the Will and Faith of Allah Almighty, to be dressed as Pole/Quthb.

And his main characteristic/ wisdom which was advising at the end, that be humble, don’t see yourself better than anyone, see always yourself the lowest, the bad one in between all around you.

For every muslim (not only mureed), he must strictly carry all good things (characters) , and to be close to Allah Almighty, to reach the door of Allah Almighty.

“Wa laa tarfa’u ashwaatakum fawqa shoutin Nabiy”

Allah said, “And do not raise your voice over the voice of Seal of Prophet s.a.w.!”

And the wisdom Allah Almighty and Seal of Prophet s.a.w. teaching for his nations, “To be humble and always make yourself the lowest; don’t praise yourself, your ego more than anyone else!”

“Be humble, don’t say to be proud, to see yourself something important.”

Rasulullah s.a.w. says in this important hadits, that Mawlana Shaykh and Mawlana always teaching, “Rabbii laa takilnaa ilaa nafsii tharfata ‘ayn.”

“Oh Allah Almighty, don’t make us to depend on ourselves, on our ego, even less than a blink of an eye.”

Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq said, “Oh Rasulullah, if you are not depending on yourself, even less than a blink of an eye, what’s going to happen on us? What would we say about ourselves?

Rasulullah s.a.w. says, “Oh Abu Bakar as-Siddiq, if Allah Almighty leaves me to myself, makes me to depend on myself even less than a blink of an eye on myself, and in it the angel of death comes, between my time in it, then I will not go in the right way, not in the way of Paradise . Ya’ni, I will have a misfortune.”

Even Seal of Prophet s.a.w. says like that.

Wajib ‘ala kullil muslimiin wal muslimah, an yakuunuu Tawadhu’ Qalban lisanan ‘amalan tamassik bi ayyi ba’dhi Rasulillaah.

For this, all muslimin and muslimah from their inner heart spiritual, and physical to be strict in keeping and carrying what Rasulullah s.a.w. orders.

Allahumma tsabbitnaa ‘alal iimaan wa tsabbitnaa masyaikhinal kiraam … ‘alad dawaam.

‘Ajjilul Karoomati dawaamut Tawfiq

If Prophet s.a.w says, “Oh Allah Almighty, do not make me to depend on myself even less than a blink of an eye, but, only to depend on Your Mercy!” Mawlana says how about us, must more for us to say, “Oh Allah don’t make us to depend on ourselves…”

Aby Yazid Al-Bisthami said, “Every Bala’ (Misfortune) is a ni’mah (good tiding).”

Because bala’ coming from Allah Almighty on you either to erase sins from you or to make your maqam high.

For sincere Awliya’, Anbiya’, to make them high in Maqam. The most misfortunes come to Prophets, then Awliya’, sincere ones, then excellent ones (Saalihiin) by their maqam. Because for this it is raising them in their maqam.

Even good tiding (good things) that Allah gives to us is a misfortune for us, because Allah Almighty makes us eye. It’s a good tiding good favour. For example, if we look at women on TVs, bad things, it is going to be misfortunes. So, these good tidings are changed to be misfortunes for us.

Qaala llaahu ta’ala: “Qul lil Mu’miniina yaghudhdhuuna absaarihim”

Allah Almighty orders Prophet to order believer not to raise their eyes, not to look at the forbidden things.

If we look at these forbidden things, they are misfortunes for us.

If you look to any women except your wife, especially when you look with lust and desires, 40 days your heart will be disconnected from Allah Almighty.

Allah Almighty gives us good tiding good favour “the tongue”. And He says, “Don’t use the tongue in forbidden things”. If you didn’t defend or protect your tongue from forbidden/ bad things from bad talking, from cursing, etc, then it changes to be an enemy for you.

And if you protect it not to enter into forbidden things, it will be sincere testament, making you into the Divine Presence of Allah.

Always Awliya’ saying, “Oh Allah protect us from the badness of our ego, and self! Make us always in the right way, not to do any bad things!”

We ask support (madad) from Shaykh to protect us from badness. It is from the order from our Shaykh to ask for support to protect us.

And the Wahhabi says that to say “Madad ya Shaykh” (Support us oh Shaykh) is shirk/kufr. Mawlana saying that the meaning of it is that Awliya’ they are the sincere servants to Allah Almighty, so whenever they ask Allah Almighty something, they have pure heart, and pure tongue. So, quickly Allah Almighty will accept from them. So, when you shelter yourself to them, they will pray for you to Allah Almighty, He SWT will forgive you and erase the sins from you for their sake. You are not saying that they are god.



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