Senin, 23 Februari 2009

There must be a mediator

In The name of Allah, The All-Compassionate, All-Merciful, Audhu billahiminash shaytanirrajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, alhamdulillahi Rabbil alemiyn
our beloved Maulana Shaykh Nazim is fine alhamdulillah. however he doesnt go downstairs except for friday prayer; he's always upstairs. we pray inshaAllah time for Mahdi alaihi salaam is really close as he says, and we along with our master Maulana Shaky Nazim are among the blessed ones to reach those days.. Amin.
Discourse of Maulana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani Ar Rabbani
Audhu billahi min ash shaitanirrajim. BismillahirRahamani rRahim. Meded ya Sayidi, ya Sultanul Awliya!
If we have no connection with our Heavenly stations, we are going to disappear, extinguish, and be lost. If we don't reach this Heavenly connection we lose our chance that was once granted to us. It is not going to be granted once again, no. And we are saying: Audhu billahi minash shaitanirrajim, O our Lord, we are running to you form shaitan because shaitan tries to make a person dirty. And we don't like to be dirty ones, no.. Dirtiness is not a good thing for man here and in the hereafter, no. If you see a dirty person you say: Go away!, therefore, we must try to be clean. And the one who goes with shaitan, shaitan always throws dirt on him, and that person is going to be dirty. Therefore, we are asking to be clean, we are running to Allah Almighty because He is The Only One Who may shelter His servants. But no one is able to be in a direct connection with their Lord, with Allah Almighty. It is impossible, no! And we are saying: Bismillahir Rahamanir
Rahim. This 'Bismillahir RahamanirRahim' gives us a connection to Allah Almighty. Without saying 'BismillahirRahaman irRahim', a direct connection is impossible. This is the lowest level for people. If they are asking for a connection for common people, it is enough to say 'Bismillahir Rahamanir Rahim'. Therefore, whoever says: By the Name of Allah Almighty, The Most Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Magnificent, that is the most simple way for a servant to come into connection with his or her Lord. And when we are saying Bismillahir Rahamanir Rahim, it is as if we were picking up a phone, putting it to our ear and beginning to speak. And then someone opens up a line for this conversation with whomever we wish to be in connection with. And this one then opens up a way to the one next higher, and he in turn arranges our connection with the one next higher, and so on, reaching the awliya/saints, then the anbiya/prophets, and finally reaching the Seal of
Prophets, Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him. So, it is impossible for people to get in direct connection with Allah.. it is impossible! But now, wahhabi people are claiming everything to be wrong, and they say: 'You may be in connection with your Lord so easily, your Creator.' But they are so foolish ones! There is the sun in the sky. You can't look at it with naked eyes; you must use some instruments to look at the centre of the sun. With your naked eyes you can't watch the sun.. you must use instruments, sunglasses, or telescopes to look with. If, for a person, just looking at the sun is such a complex matter, then what about getting in connection with the sun with all its power? You must first reach the sun, the surface of the sun and rays of the sun, you must pass through all of them, must pass through flames; only then you may reach the mass of the sun. And the mass of the sun is so powerful that it is impossible to reach
there! How do those foolish people say that a person may reach to Allah Almighty without a means or mediator? They are trying to destroy the reality of a 'mediator'.. reality, big reality! All realities are built on it. If you deny the existence of a mediator, it means you never understood anything. That person must be in dark ignorance, can't see, can't look, can't touch and can't understand! Therefore, it is an obligation to accept a mediator between The Lord of Heavens and His creatures. For the whole of creation, first and last mediator, absolute mediation! It is impossible to take away mediation.. impossible! If you take it away, nothing will be in existence; therefore, Allah Almighty first created the real being of the Seal of Prophets and from His Divine Power, bestowed Lights/Nur upon it, and prepared, manifested and designed all creation from it. And from this first Noor, Divine Lights, only a very, very small spot was taken. And this Light
that Allah Almighty granted to His most beloved servant Sayyidana Muhammad is not getting any less. If he were not there, no one would be in existence.. must be a mediator between Allah Almighty and His creation! If not, nothing would have come into existence. Therefore, it is very important that everyone must try to reach for a mediator! Without a mediator, Islam is only its outward looks, a painting.. it is like a drawing, a picture, with nothing in it. A picture may give you a feeling; but it is such a useless feeling, never getting any satisfaction without taking a mediator. Everything must come through the Seal of Prophet's being, passing from him and appearing in existence through endless territory that creation just on it. Creation is never stopping; creation is continuously going on. And it is impossible to reach the limits of creation, to reach its beginning or its end.. can't be! must continue! Therefore, if anyone is asking to develop his
spiritual being, to reach his Heavenly stations, he must use some a mediator, some means! No one can reach the atmosphere without using a plane, a flight, or using rockets, no! Without rockets no one can reach, it is impossible! If anyone says, 'Yes, it is possible', he must be an ignorant person. How can he say that a person may fly from one continent to another without using a plane? or how can a person claim that without using a rocket, a person may reach the atmosphere? That must be a crazy person! The authority that was granted to us for using and for inventing new systems and new instruments, all of them need a mediator: without a mediator nothing would have ever come into existence, everything would have been dead.. dead! Because life only runs through a mediator. You must reach a mediator, and you must take from him the power of eternity, so that you should be fed, and you should be ready to continue towards your eternal life. You can develop
spiritually and get much more power and you may reach. You may reach, and the levels of approaching the Divine Presence are endless rows.. from where you are coming, going up and then going ahead another step, another step, another step.. when all numbers finish, then the steps also finish. Do you think that numbers ever finish? What is the last number? Who can claim that this number is the last number, no more numbers after that number? Can anyone claim this? Can't!
Therefore, steps.. or development and improvement in the Divine Presence goes on till eternity and people develop up to eternity through their mediators. You must run after eternity, and you will enjoy the stations that you may reach, and the horizons that you may reach will never going to be the last horizon or the last station.. you can understand Allah Almighty's Greatness and endless Power Oceans! And that is the biggest pleasure for our souls that we are going to be granted every second or every moment what we are asking for, and even more we will be granted not only what we are asking! Allah Almighty gives as He gives! A very small ant, what it can ask for? And Allah Almighty, as His servant asking more, whatever His servants are asking, it is only according to their being. But the Divine Generosity, if you ask for a drop, an ocean is opened to you! If you ask for an ocean, the ocean that Allah Almighty will grant to you from His Divine Oceans,
that ocean that you ask for, is going to be only a very small spot. That is pleasure for mankind! You have been created for that, not created for this dirty life.
What are you trying to reach? I am asking. I ask people coming from England, 'What do you do there?', 'I am doing business' they reply. Do you think that you can manage to buy whole London? They say: 'I have worked so many years and now, and I managed to purchase this humble place through mortgage, and the mortgage is also tying me down! 40 years I am going to pay and it will still not finish!' Leave that! If you have managed to buy whole London, do you think that it is for you? Or Egypt? You think that is for you? Or Germany? Or Istanbul? No. In the next moment a person may fall down dead, finished! just finished! What happened, such big efforts and so much struggling and working without resting, what did you reach? Reached nothing!
Therefore, we say that we are not created for dunya/world; dunya is not for anyone! But it is for everyone. This is a not a very pleasant example but it is a good example for understanding: There are public wcs; do you think that anyone enters it saying: 'I am staying here, it is for me?' You think so? Anyone? 'Get out!' 'No, I am happy to be here, this wc is for me.' 'Get out!' 'No, I can't, it is for me', such a person must be crazy and has to be taken to the mental house, nothing else! Therefore, everyone goes to the wc, and after finishing, they know that it is not for him or for her: only for the duration of their need, they stay in the wc. When finished, they don't like to be there even one second longer, and leave. People are rushing to enter wc! 'It should be a very good place for me!' they think.
Therefore all Holy Books mention the reality of this world. Adam and Eve, they were created and they were settled in Paradise; they were residents of Paradise, they were allowed to eat anything from any tree, it was okay for them, they were not in need of a wc. Only when they ate from the forbidden tree, their stomachs began to turn and they were running like this, like that, they felt they had to go to a place where they might relieve themselves.. and they were running here and there but everywhere the place was clean. In Paradise there is no wc. Therefore when they asked for a wc, the angels said: 'Come down, you can find a wc on earth.' Therefore they are coming here from East to West and from North to South, it is good for wc. People are crazy: what are they fighting for? Because, when you enter a wc, you must leave when you are finished; for what are you fighting each other, whole nations? Fighting neighbors, people fighting each other.. for what?
wc! Tomorrow we are going. Therefore the identity of earth is written in bold letters for European people, they don't understand Arabic writing, so wc, for 100000 Lira. For Arabs: Muwadda, or Bait ul raha. It is written for every nation.. it is written in their language. From the East to the West. Mostly people understand the term 'wc', but they never care to ask why it says 'wc' everywhere! If people had understanding, and would use their minds, this world would be so easy for mankind: no more people who fight, no more troublemakers, no more enmity, no more jealousy, no more envy, no more hatred.. no! Everyone, all people have lost their minds, lost their good judgment. shaitan shows them such a beautiful life.. only for a while, then you are finishing and go away.
May Allah bless you and forgive me. We are speaking of the lowest level, and that people of this lowest level always keep bad feelings, bad intentions for others, particularly the poor people get angry at the rich people, and they are saying: 'Those rich people have been granted so many things!' Ya HU, they have been granted only a big wc!
Therefore the newer generations, at the end of 20th century, those people were placing the wc in their sleeping rooms. Now they have new house plans: building their sleeping room in middle of the wc. Now, in the latest, modernized and westernised buildings, they are saying: We may do in middle of sleeping room, around and wc on every bed one, one, one. Or may be one. One sitting, another coming.. No more sleeping room and then wc room, no, must be now sleeping room in wc room. You must not say 'Sleeping Room' but you must say 'wc Sleeping, Resting Room', not sleeping, resting. You are happy with dunya? May Allah forgive me and bless you for the honor of most honored Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, Fatiha..

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